Narragensett, RI – On Sunday morning, March 7yh, the Brothers of the Community and Lasallian Volunteer, Brianna, gathered in the Great Room (the pandemic Prayer Room and Chapel) at 9:15 AM, following Mass and breakfast.
The theme for the Morning of Reflection, prepared by the Liturgy and Prayer Committee (Kevin Junk, John McGann, and Fred Mueller) was “Create in Me a Clean Heart….a Heart of Flesh and not a Heart of Stone.”
The Opening Prayer Service set the theme through Scripture and other readings , common prayer, music, and a presentation by Fred. At the end of the presentation, community members were offered a flat, smooth stone on which was painted a cross—a memento for their Lenten journey. Community members were given four short readings with reflection questions for each; with these materials community members went off for personal reflection.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was available in the Blue Room (Our Lady’s Chapel) and people could choose a prayer partner to share reflections. After an hour and a half, the community gathered again for a Concluding Prayer Service during which an excerpt from Pope Francis’s Homily for Ash Wednesday 2021 was read and time was given for faith-sharing.
At the close of prayer the community went into the Dining Room for its noon meal (a Turkey dinner).