Tuesdays during Lent (starting March 12th)
7:30 – 8 PM (EDT)
Zoom Web Conferencing

Pope Francis has declared 2019 a Jubilee Year in honor of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. A dimension of a Jubilee Year is the opportunity for participation in a pilgrimage. There are many ways that we as Lasallians can experience pilgrimage “together and by association.”

You are invited to participate in a Prayer Pilgrimage during the Tuesdays of Lent. For 30 minutes, Lasallians from throughout the Institute can gather on-line via Zoom to reflect on a passage from Scripture using De La Salle’s Method of Interior Prayer.
To participate, join us on Tuesdays (7:30 PM – 8 PM Eastern Daylight Time) by clicking on Join Lenten Prayer button below. We will also have an accompanying weekly prayer service for you to download and/or print.
All Lasallians are invited, please share the invitation and let’s take this opportunity to be “one in spirit” as we journey together on our Lenten Prayer Pilgrimage.
NOTE: Our Lent Prayer Zoom is limited to 100 participants. If we find that we reach capacity, we will expand our Pilgrimage capacity the following week. Thanks for your understanding!

The next Lenten Prayer Pilgrimage – Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Download prayer service for April 9 >

General Information

For additional information about the Pilgrimage contact Maryann Donohue-Lynch donohuelynch@fscdena.org
See below for more information regarding ZOOM. Please contact Phil De Rita derita@fscdena.org for more specific questions.
If this is your FIRST TIME using Zoom:
You will see a web page open that states “Please click Open Zoom Meetings” if you see the system dialog. On the line below  you will see “If nothing prompts from browser, download & run Zoom” – Please click download & run Zoom, and this will install the programming needed. Please follow any steps necessary to install the Zoom program. You should then be brought to the meeting
You will see a web page open, and a dialog box that appears that states “Open Zoom Meetings?” with a button that says “Open Zoom Meetings.” Click the button, and the program will open.
You will be asked to “Join Audio Conference by Computer”  If your computer has working speakers and microphone, you should be able to join the video call with audio through your computer, click the button. If you do not have working speakers and/or microphone, you can call in by telephone to hear the video conference and still see the video too. Click the “Phone Call” tab for your needed call in information.
If you need to call into the Zoom meeting for audio:
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 929 436 2866 US
Meeting ID: 981 405 180