Beltsville, MD – Bill began his association with the Institute as a student at Calvert Hall College High School and at the La Salle Hall junior novitiate. Attracted at a young age to the Brothers and their apostolate, Bill continued his discernment for three years in the initial formation programs. Bill maintained his contact with and support for many Brothers, friendships with his contemporaries, and assistance with access to Capitol Hill and other Washington venues for others. He remained active in parish activities, especially helpful to his St. Patrick’s parish.
When the Legacy Baltimore District organized a Development Committee to assist its first Director of Development, Bill Phillips was one of the first friends the District called upon. Later he provided many years of dedicated personal commitment and time to the Baltimore District Finance Committee, the Baltimore District Investment Committee, and the DENA Investment Committee – often the first, or one of only a few, laymen to serve on these committees. Most notably, since its formation in 2009, DENA has relied upon Bill’s expertise and energy to Chair the Investment Committee, which is responsible for the future well-being of the Christian Brothers, especially those in retirement and continued care.
- The Brothers Community at La Salle Hall advocated for Bill’s affiliation.
- Bill Phillips, AFSC, shows his certificate.
- Bill surrounded by family
- Bill Phillips AFSC (third from left) pictured here with the LV staff and Br. Robert Schieler, FSC, Superior General – Christopher Anderson, Kathleen Glackin, Bill, Br. Robert, Katie Christensen, and Br. Dylan Perry. (photo courtesy of Lasallian Volunteers)
Bill Phillips has also been of great service to the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) and especially to its highly respected Lasallian Volunteers program. Bill served for five years on the Lasallian Volunteers Advisory Board and he founded and chairs an independent organization, the Friends of Lasallian Volunteers, formed with the permission of the Visitors to pursue legacy gifts for the LVs. On the corporate level, he is the D.C. registered representative of the Visitors’ civil corporation, Christian Brothers Major Superiors, Inc. Bill regularly leads the Lasallian prayers at the beginning and end of committee meetings, illustrating not only admiration for Lasallian spirituality, but his internalization and integration of its principles. Bill is a regular visitor to the La Salle Hall Ammendale community of retired and infirm Brothers, most notably celebrating Lasallian and liturgical feast days with Mass and fraternal gatherings. While these gifts of time and talent, along with his personal commitment, are the most important reasons for our request for Bill’s affiliation, he has also been a regular and substantial donor to both District and Region, in support of the mission and the Lasallian Volunteers.
For all these reasons, the Brothers’ District Council for the District of Eastern North America affirmed the nomination of Bill Phillips. It was later confirmed by the Institute. On Saturday, May 7, Bill was presented Letters of Affiliation to the Institute by none other that the Superior General, Br. Robert Schieler, FSC, at La Salle Hall, surrounded by Brothers, family, and friends.
Congratulations Bill on a title well deserved.
The only former Brother and now affiliated to the Institute.
Blessings from your friend and former classmate from Elkins Park Scholasticate in Philadelphia, Pa.
Br. Luis de Loyola, fsc.
Today 15 May 2016 my 45th anniversary of ordination for the Arch of New Orleans. At present retired from Military Service as Chaplain living in Florida.
Again, Congratulations.
Viva Jesus en nuestros corazones; Por Siempre!
J.Luis Fernandez