Philadelphia, PA – On Saturday, April 16th, in the Chapel of West Catholic Preparatory High School, over 80 guests, Brothers, families and friends, gathered for a prayer service to honor Mrs. Laura Stewart and Mrs. Elizabeth “Betty Jo” Di Bonaventura for their many years of dedicated service to the Brothers of the West Catholic Communities.
The prayers service in thanksgiving for these remarkable ladies was led by Brother Kevin Stanton, with Reverend Jesse Mapson, pastor of Monumental Baptist Church, doing the opening prayer and Brother Joseph Schmidt proclaiming a reading from Ephesians. A celebratory luncheon followed the service.

Brother Stephen Casale spoke on behalf of the Brothers and presented Betty Jo for Benefaction. Brother Dennis Malloy presented the Letters.
“In recognition of her untiring commitment and loving dedication for thirty years to the Brothers of West Catholic Communities, we, Brothers, with the approval of Brother Dennis Malloy, Provincial / Visitor, and the District Council of the District of Eastern North America, gladly bestow these Letters of Benefaction on Mrs. Betty Jo Di Bonaventura.”

Brother Edward Gallagher, Director of the former West Catholic Community, Yeadon, spoke in recognition of Laura for Affiliation. Brother Dennis Malloy presented the Letters.
“In recognition of her outstanding, dedicated service and loving support for forty-four years to the Brothers of West Catholic Communities, we Brothers, with the approval of Brother Robert Schieler, our Superior General in Rome, and his General Council, Brother Dennis Malloy, Provincial / Visitor, and the District Council of the District Eastern North America, gladly bestow these Letters of Affiliation on Mrs. Laura Stewart.”
- Rev. Mapson presiding over the prayer service.
- Br. Dennis Malloy addresses those gathered.
- Br. Stephen Casale presents Betty Jo Di Bonaventura.
- Betty Jo Di Bonventura, BFSC, addresses those gathered.
- Prayer leader, Br. Kevin Stanton.
- Br. Ed Gallagher presents Laura Stewart.
- Ms. Laura Stewart, AFSC, addresses those gathered.
- Prayer leader, Br. Joseph Schmidt.
- Laura Stewart, AFSC, with her family.
- Betty Jo Di Bonaventura, BFSC, with her family.
- The Brothers gathered take a photo with the new BFSC, Betty Jo.