Coaching High School Track & Field – Lasallian Digest 1959

Track and field is just one of various sports which compete for our attention at this time. This book review from Lasallian Digest (Winter 1959) describes a Brother who was synonymous with producing great track stars and bringing glory to the legacy Baltimore District schools where he labored. Brother Gedeon Luke (later Brother Luke Tuppeny) may have withdrawn from the Christian Brothers in the 1970s, but his contributions to his favorite sport are numerous and are remembered fondly by the countless lives he touched. Thank  you, Luke!

What is a Christian Brother? Summer 1961

This article, “What is a Christian Brother?,” is poignant for two reasons. First, it appeared exactly 50 years ago, in Lasallian Digest, Summer 1961. Second, the author was a distinguished Christian Brother—and later, priest—who died just a few weeks ago (June 4, 2011) at the age of 88. He was Brother Fortinian Joseph (Walter Paulits), the founding Director of St. Joseph’s Hall (1961-1966) at Elkins Park (PA), the newer of the two houses of studies for the Student Brothers of the Baltimore District. In the latter 1960s he relocated to La Salle College where taught and briefly served as Dean of the Evening Division. Withdrawing from the Brothers in 1971 to enter the seminary, Rev. Walter Paulits was ordained as a priest a year later for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Father Paulits was the founding pastor of Our Lady of the Chesapeake Catholic Church and was held in high esteem by parishioners in the Baltimore area.

New Saint — Brother Benilde (Fall 1967)

Here’s some extremely light reading for a hot August day or night. Furthermore, it’s an appropriate topic for this month, because August 13 is the feast day of the first Christian Brother to be canonized a saint—St. Benilde. “A New Saint—Brother Benilde, FSC” appeared in the Lasallian Digest in Fall 1967, the time in which the Vatican raised him to the Church’s highest honor. The author was Brother Adalbert James Norton, who balanced an important position with Lasallian Digest with his normal duties as Director of Teacher Preparation at Manhattan College.