JFK Euology by St. John’s Grad

As the nation observes the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, this reading is most poignant. It is the eulogy delivered by Bishop Philip Hannan (Auxiliary Bishop of Washington), who was a proud graduate of St. John’s College HS in Washington.

Lasallian Digest (Winter 1964), pp. 2-4.

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Brother Patrick Ellis Liturgical Week

This article was written by Brother Felician Patrick, better known as Brother Patrick Ellis, the future president (1977-1992) of La Salle College (University). Fifty years ago, Lasallian Digest (Fall 1963; pp. 58-59) published his report on Liturgical Week which was held in Philadelphia, with an eye on participation by the Christian Brothers in the sessions.

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