Pope Paul Remembered

50_LasLit_PopePaul_1of2-picIn the second week of May of 2014, Pope Francis announced that Pope Paul VI is to be beatified (that is, declared “Blessed”) on October 19 of this year. With all of the attention given to Popes John XXIII and John Paul II because of their recent canonizations, it is wise to appreciate Pope Paul (papacy, 1963-1978) who held the Christian Brothers in high esteem. Here are two pages, exactly 50 years ago, from Lasallian Digest, Summer 1964, pp. 2-3, which will evoke his memory.

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De La Salle Film Debuts

50_LasLit_MovieArticle_2of3Fifty summers ago, the Lasallian world was preparing to see the debut of a two-hour movie about the life of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Produced by Eurofilms Studios (Madrid), it was originally entitled El Senor de La Salle, but would be known to English-speaking audiences as Who Are My Own. The film stars a Hollywood actor of Spanish heritage, Mel Ferrer. The following three pages — two of which have scenes from the film — come from Lasallian Digest, Summer 1964, pp. 47-49.

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