fsc dena

Have a happy and blessed Easter—may the Lord bless you
and all of your loved ones on this joyous day!

District Chapter I:
Just the Beginning
Dear Lasallians,

In a world that wants results quickly and problems solved immediately, the idea of taking time and having to follow a process is often seen as moving slowly and taking too long.  I keep reminding myself of two old sayings: one is “All good things take time”, and there is the long famous commercial slogan, “We will sell no wine before its time.”

Though you may believe the District of Eastern North America has been created and is up and running, the process of creating the District is not over. A few things still remain to be done. This weekend (April 15 – 17) we take on one of those remaining tasks—the first District Chapter for the District of Eastern North America.

District Chapter is an official, canonical (Church/Brothers) meeting of the Brothers of the District to do the business required by The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the administrative practices of the Institute in Rome. On Friday evening, some 54 Brother-Delegates will gather at the Bon Secour Spiritual Center outside Baltimore for a weekend of discussions, meetings, and legislative activities that continue the final steps in creating our District. This will be the first part of our two-part District Chapter. The second part will happen after our first Mission Assembly.

The Mission Assembly is the other “final act” before the District is fully created. Scheduled for the fall, this gathering of Partners and Brothers will include work on the supports and structures at the District level that assist ministries, and keep them connected with the larger Lasallian world.

We have only just begun….


Brother James Martino, FSC
Director of Administration


Special Letter on District Chapter I: from the Superior General and General Councilor

Intercapitular Update from the Visitor

2009 Summer Programs

2 Lasallian Video Contests

President of LSA Honored

Many Stars…One La Salle:
Join in this international movement to commemorate 360 years of our Founder >

Website SpotliteMass Cards Online

Easter is a most special time of year to reach out to loved ones, and one of the finer ways to do so is through mass cards. When you visit the District website, you can place an order for Easter mass cards. Once your order is placed, you will receive them in the mail—so be sure to place your order today so they will arrive in time!

Easter is Sunday, April 24th

See Easter mass cards on
the District website

District Leader:
Br. Ernest Miller, FSC
Associate Director for the Office of Mission and Ministry

A native of the “Who Dat Nation” (New Orleans), Brother Ernest Miller, FSC, is in his 17th year as a member of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Currently, Brother Ernest serves as the Associate Director for the Office of Mission and Ministry for the District of Eastern North America (DENA).

Read about Br. Ernest >

Featured Ministry:
Tides Family Services
Location: West Warwick, RI
Founded: 1983
Students: 1,247 (09-10)
Staff: 130 Lasallians

Tides Family Services (Tides, TFS) is only one of the five Lasallian ministries in Rhode Island. However, it is unique in that it is solely dedicated to home and community based family preservation services for troubled youth.

See featured story >

Council Corner:
Heather Ruple
Mission Executive Council Member

Ever since Heather Ruple enrolled at St. Mary’s College of California in 1997, her path to Lasallian “together and by association” has been much like the hand going in the proverbial glove. It fits, and she “gets it.” For Heather, being a Lasallian educator represents a natural blend of…

Read about Heather >

fsc dena

Monthly Online Features

This month’s Looking Back
history section looks at
baseball’s 7th inning stretch,
started by Br. Jasper

View this month’s Looking Back >

Our Lasallian way of reaching out
to African children.

See the ministries
we twin with in Africa >