fsc dena
My Fellow Lasallians,

photoOver the course of three weeks this summer, the DENA Office for Mission and Ministry conducted three formation programs for Lasallian students and educators from across the District.

At La Salle University, 146 students and educators participated in the 17th Annual Lasallian Youth Assembly.

In Washington, D.C., 39 Young Lasallians (20-30 year old Lasallian educators) gathered for the VeGA Workshop.

And the New Educators Institute (in its 11th year) was held at the University of Pennsylvania with 20 participants.

I wish to express gratitude to all those who participated in the District’s programs, and those administrators who joined the District in making an investment in people and programs.

My hope is that our programs are an effort—both in Lasallian education and in formation—that enables Lasallians across the District to continue growing in faith, to become increasing clear about:

“…who we are, what we do, the way we do it, and why we do it…”
Brother Alvaro

Stay strong, and be of good courage.

In hope,


Ernest J. Miller, FSC

The Top 5 News Stories

LVs RIDE Comes to an End in New Jersey

Deepening in Faith: Brothers’ Retreat and Vows

VEGA Workshop Energizes Young Lasallians

Lasallian Youth Assembly at La Salle University

World Youth Day

Website Spotlite

The Brothers’ Retreat

At the beginning of August, our Brothers had their first District-wide retreat since DENA was formed in 2009. An opportunity to come together in prayer, reflection, and conversation about responding to God’s educational call, over 250 Brothers gathered at La Salle University. Throughout the week, presenters (Brothers and Partners) focused on consecrated religious life, vows, and how Brothers can work more closely with lay partners and other religious congregations to continue to reach those in poverty. Each individual presenter’s talk is here on the District website under the The Brothers’ Retreat section. We also had the opportunity to video stream each of the presentations. Those recordings are available on our UStream channel for you.

District Leader:Brother Jerome Sullivan, FSC

Chuck MrozinskiAuxiliary Visitor for Community Life and Senior Brothers

As he enters his 56th year as a member of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Brother Angelus Jerome Sullivan, FSC, continues to reflect a strong sense of “At-Homeness” with school responsibilities as well as with community life. Born on December 25, 1936, Brother Jerome was given the middle name of “Noel” to signify he is a “Christmas baby.” Much like a typical Capricorn, Brother Jerome dedicates his life wholeheartedly, involving himself in whatever helps others.

Read about Brother Jerome >

Featured Ministry:
San Miguel School, Washington, D.C.

Location: Washington, D.C.
Founded: 2002
Students: 65
Administration, Faculty & Staff: 12
Mascot: Stars

The San Miguel School, Washington, DC, is a De La Salle Christian Brothers middle school that seeks to give disadvantaged Latin American boys the necessary academic skills, social development, and spiritual formation that will prepare them to succeed in high school and to become young men of faith.

See featured story >

Council Corner:
Brother Francis Eells, FSC

Mission Executive Council Member


Brother Francis (Fran) Eells, FSC, a native of Philadelphia, came in contact with the Christian Brothers while studying as an undergraduate at La Salle University. After a year of graduate study at Penn State, he entered the Brothers’ program of initial formation at Jeremy House.

Read about Brother Fran >

fsc dena

Luke Salm Educational Workshop

Calling all Religion Chairs, Teachers and Campus Ministers!

Sign up for the second annual Br. Luke Salm, FSC Religious Education Workshop, October 2 – 4, 2011, in Marriottsville, MD.

This year’s theme will be Sharing Faith: The Lasallian Vision of Christian Education and Evangelization with keynote speaker Br. Gerard Rummery, FSC.

Click here for more information on Brother Luke Salm, FSC, Religious Educational Workshop >

World Youth Day

World Youth Day 2011

See what our DENA group saw as they joined others worldwide in Madrid for the World Youth Day events!

Check out all the happenings from the World Youth Day in Madrid!