Dear Brothers and Partners
What we ponder in our hearts in these Advent days (and beyond) is not that God came to us in Jesus 2000 years ago, but that every day He continues to come among us, and through us, in many different, but just as real, ways. Because of this we live and journey together in hope!
As Disciples and Lasallians, this is our legacy written large in De La Salle’s words to us in the Meditations for the Time of Retreat:
“Earnestly ask Jesus Christ to make his Spirit come alive in you, since he has chosen you to do his work”.
(MTR 4.1)
While the mission that we undertake is demanding and faced with many challenges, it is lightened because it is shared and shouldered by many with whom we are privileged to minster and to serve. Together we are called to incarnate what remains invisible to so many, namely God’s grace and “compassionate love.”
Advent Blessings!

Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC
Click here for Brother Visitor’s full Advent letter to DENA >>

We wish you a very Merry Christmas– many blessings to you and yours
in the new year!
— The District Staff |