Lasallian education is so much more than strong academics and scholastic success. Since 1680, the Lasallian charism, continued by the Brothers of the Christian Schools and their Lasallian partners, shapes students to be civic minded leaders, compassionate ministers to those in need, and courageous advocates for social justice. Lasallian education does more than provide spiritual and intellectual foundations to break the cycle of poverty–it fosters a community, dedicated to being stewards of peace, and champions of equality. Toda,y more than ever, Lasallian matters.
Lasallian Matters will be a periodic feature from the District of Eastern North America showcasing various personal commitments to Lasallian educational principles and values, ones that transform the lives of students, families, ministries and communities. We hope you enjoy these unique examples of how the Lasallian mission continues to make an impact.
Jim Prouty
In the little state of Rhode Island, a contemporary Lasallian educational movement was born. It is now a model replicated across the United States. What was started as a way to address the needs of poor, urban, middle school boys 20 years ago in Providence, is today celebrated for its accomplishments in the local neighborhood, admired for the energy and creativity it has sparked throughout our larger Lasallian community, and is respected for affecting the lives of so many young people and their families over the last two decades. Lasallian matters…
Dear Lasallians,
Blessed is she who believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled.
— Luke 1:45
In these words of joyful exclamation Elizabeth welcomes and blesses her young cousin Mary who came to her home to be with her in the final days of Elizabeth’s wondrous pregnancy. Mary’s “yes” to the angel’s annunciation, which Elizabeth celebrates in her greeting, was an act of unfathomable belief in the Word of God that brought forth the Word made Flesh. Their belief in the Lord, and trust in God’s creative and loving action in their lives, would have a profound effect across the ages, and certainly in our own lives.
If there is a time of the year when we are easily tempted to say we are too busy to reflect on the Lord’s action in our lives, it is Advent! By taking some time in God’s presence and giving ourselves over to God’s plan for us, we do not become passive. On the contrary, allowing ourselves to be more in God’s hands is to be actively willing to discover and to bring forth the fullness of life that God wills for us.
Let us take hold of God’s gift of this Advent season, to make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of those who believe in us, especially those most in need. Mindful that we are not only teachers, counselors, social workers, principals, presidents, and trustees, but also Witnesses and Ministers of the Word, let us prepare the way for the Lord through acts of kindness, compassion, and justice. Let us find Him again in the manger of our hearts, our homes, and our ministries!
Advent and Christmas Blessings,
Live the newborn Jesus in our hearts…

Dennis Malloy, FSC

Website Spotlite
In Solidarity with Haiti
In response to the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010, the Institute initiated the Saint John Baptiste de La Salle School in Port Au Prince, Haiti — which opened October 1 — an apostolate of the District of the Antilles-South Mexico. Learn more about how DENA plans to aid this important ministry, and the Delegation that will be travelling to Haiti next month. The District also asks for you to be in prayerful solidarity with the Lasallians of Haiti, and has provided prayer resources too.
Council Corner
Brother Michael Andrejko, FSC
District Council
Brother Michael Andrejko, FSC, graduated from Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1986. He received a BS from La Salle University in Business Administration/Accounting, a certificate in Secondary School Education (Business Education) from Gwynedd-Mercy College, and a MA in Religious Studies from Villanova University…
Read about Brother Michael > |
Featured Ministry:
Central Catholic High School
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Founded: 1927
Students: 850 young men
Faculty & Staff: 102
Mascot: Vikings
Shortly after the Most Reverend Hugh C. Boyle was ordained a Bishop, he began a secondary school expansion program in Pittsburgh. To support the development of centralized, well-equipped high schools, the Bishop organized a campaign in 1923 to raise funds. The first fruit of the campaign was the construction of Central District Catholic High School and faculty house in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh.
The new high school was dedicated by Bishop Boyle on September 11, 1927. On the following day, 488 boys from 42 parishes in the central section of the city registered in the ninth grade. On the original faculty were fourteen Christian Brothers. In the 1950s, enrollment reached a peak of 1,800.
See featured story > |
What’s Happening
Advent Merry Christmas and Advent Blessings!
December 2012
What a wonderful time of year as we await the birth of Jesus!What is Advent Again?
Week 3 of Advent
Week 4 of Advent
In Solidarity for Haiti Week
January 6-12, 2013
DENA Delegation to Haiti
January 9-12, 2013
Learn More>
February 13, 2013The beginning of Twinning, our Lenten fundraiser for our Lasallian ministries in Africa.
February 15-17, 2013
Jeremy House in Philadelphia
Brother Brian Henderson FSC will be presenting as part of this retreat.
For additional information or to register for the retreat contact Matt Joram at mattjoram1@gmail.com.
Learn more >

