Dear Lasallians,
Welcome to Lent! There’s an old idiom that says, “Home is where the heart is.” I’m happy to say I was able to stop at my other “home” last month, and bring Brother Visitor on his first ever visit to Africa. Over the course of our two week trip in the Lwanga District, the English-speaking sector of our Institute in Africa, we were able to meet with Brothers and tour the good works of the Lasallian educational mission. It’s quite remarkable how we can educate so many with so few resources.
During this time of alms-giving, we traditionally make our Twinning appeal. Each of our District’s ministries is twinned with a Lwanga school, and ask that our DENA ministries renew and increase the awareness of their Twinned educational community in Africa. Now is the time to raise funds for our Lwanga ministries. For some of our African schools, Twinning donations account for 90% of their operating budget. Your alms are crucial to this Twinning project!
To learn more about Twinning, there are many resources available on the Region’s website, and our District’s website, including a couple of videos. Even though these are simple videos, I believe they give a great view of the beauty and diversity throughout the Lwanga District. When I view them, they always bring a smile to my face as I think of the important work being done in those ministries on behalf of children, who without Twinning, would not be receiving the quality education they are. I hope they do the same for you, and pray they will inspire and help you to do all you can to support your Twinned school.
Many prayers and Lenten blessings!

Br. Dennis Lee, FSC
Auxiliary Visitor |