Website SpotliteLasallians Looking for a
New Ministry Position
There are times when a change in one’s educational ministry position is needed, yet a strong desire exists to stay with the Lasallian family. Or there are times when someone who left a Lasallian ministry now would like to return to the Mission. This section offers chief administrators the opportunity to review the individual’s resume and contact him/her directly. Our goal is to encourage experienced Lasallians to stay within our Lasallian Family. This service will only be available to current or past Lasallians and vetted through the Mission and Ministry Office.
Check it out on the District website, or find a link at the bottom of the site under “Lasallian Work Search” |
District Leader:
Br. Dennis Lee, FSC Auxiliary Visitor for Community Life and Formation
This lovable Brother, in his 44th year as a Brother, oversees the Office of Community Life and Formation.
Read about Br. Dennis > |
