Academic Excellence…Raising the Bar


Those in Lasallian education spend a great deal of time and energy on community building, spiritual development, social justice, community service, the fine arts, and athletics. All are vital to creating a well-rounded Lasallian educational program. Our Lasallian students, however, never take for granted that their educational journey in our Lasallian secondary institutions is academically rigorous, drawing from them nothing less than their very best as learners, while asking them to look deeply within themselves to be the very best citizens in their communities.      Read more >

Dear Lasallians,

Welcome to 2013, a new year,  a time of new beginnings and new hope.


As is our custom, most of us have made New Year’s Resolutions, commitments to better ourselves, whether it be physically, emotionally, fiscally, or spiritually. Right around the time you receive this is also when, statistically, many of us will give up those goals of working towards a healthier you, or getting your personal finances in order.


Don’t lose hope! If you resolve to keep one of your goals, I hope it’s to continue to be a better Christian. As Lasallians, our mission of educating those most in need depends on our ability to see Christ in all whom we meet and instruct. I believe, we, as a network of Catholic Lasallian Schools, “Raise the Standards,” not just because we create an environment for strong academic excellence, but because we truly believe that our educational mission is God given, and that the poorest among us deserve a means to salvation, with B(b)rothers and S(s)isters to guide them.


This month a number of our ministries participated in our Haiti Solidarity Week (Jan. 6 – 12, 2013), praying for Lasallians in Haiti. During that week, the Office for Mission and Ministry sponsored a delegation to Saint John Baptist De La Salle School in the Cazeau section of Port Au Prince.  What the delegation learned and saw first-hand was both heart-breaking, and also a reason for great hope.


Though not much has changed throughout Haiti in regards to the devastation from the earthquake three years ago, or the economic situation for the people, the Saint John Baptist De La Salle School has come a long way since Br. Dennis Malloy and Alan Weyland’s first visit last Summer. In a place of daily uncertainty, now stands a ministry with over 70 students, a beacon of optimism, providing a stable and safe environment for children to receive a quality education.


The Lasallian mission is one of hope. Let us continue to find resolve in this season of resolution so that we can be messengers of that faith to those most in need of it.



Philip De Rita
Director of Communications & Public Relations

Website Spotlite

Catholic Schools Week

“Catholic Schools Raise
the Standards”

Jan. 27th – Feb. 2nd, 2013


Each year the National Catholic Educational Association observes Catholic Schools Week, an effort to celebrate and raise awarness for Catholic schools’ academic excellence and high moral standards. This year’s theme—Catholic Schools Raise the Standards—celebrates the constant attention that Catholic educators pay to increasing the learning and growth in faith of all students.


As a network of Lasallian schools throughout North America and Canada, our ministries raise the standards even further. Check out stories from around the Region, and join the conversation on facebook to add your own Lasallian success stories, or to let us know what your ministry is doing to celebrate Catholic Schools Week!


Join the Lasallian Conversation on Facebook >


Council Corner

Brother James Wallace, FSC
Mission Executive Council

The road back to the Northeast and Manhattan College is part of an extensive and varied career for Brother James Wallace, FSC. His numerous roles as educator, Director, Headmaster, Vice Principal, Academic Dean, and Auxiliary Visitor, both here in the District of Eastern North America and in our ministries in Africa, make Brother James no stranger to the word Mission.

Read about Brother James >

Featured Ministry


West Philadelphia
Catholic High School

Location: Philadelphia, PA
Founded: 1916 – 1927 – 1989
Students: 250 students
Faculty & Staff: 40
Mascot: The “Burrs”

West Philadelphia Catholic High School has a long and rich history in Philadelphia. The school opened on September 8, 1989, as a result of a merger between West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys, opened in 1916, and West Philadelphia Catholic Girls High School, opened in 1927.


If West Catholic has a founder, it would surely be Bishop John J. McCort, who was both Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese and Pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows Church (at the time, one of the leading parishes in West Philadelphia). Bishop McCort clearly saw a need to provide a Catholic high school education to the growing Catholic population in West Philadelphia as that section of the city grew and developed in the early 20th century.

See featured story >

What’s Happening


January 27 – Fabruary 2, 2013

“Catholic Schools Raise the Standards”




February 13, 2013

The beginning of Twinning, our Lenten fundraiser for our Lasallian ministries in Africa.
Lenten Videos are also available to help us understand this special time in our faith:
Why Lent?

Why Lent? Part 2 – Ash Wednesday





February 15-17, 2013

Jeremy House in Philadelphia

Brother Brian Henderson FSC will be presenting as part of this retreat.
For additional information or to register for the retreat contact Matt Joram.


Learn more >