My Fellow Lasallians,
It is my sincerest hope that you are enjoying your summer, a time for barbecues, swimming, and a safe amount of sun! We’re now six months into our Living Lasallian e-newsletter, which serves to introduce you to our DENA Administration Team, our Lasallian ministries throughout the northeast, and different sections of the District website. Have you seen the Lasallian Spotlight on the Manhattan College grad? Catch the story about La Salle Academy’s Senior Prom? Looking for a gospel reflection or prayers to use in class? See the photo of our Brothers in Vietnam? Read the highly-discussed Circular 461 on Lasallian Association?
Remember, we are here to keep you informed and connected, as well as to help establish a sense of community through as many facets as possible. We can’t do it alone, however. You help generate the content of the District website, and make it the rich resource that it is!
Keep photos, stories, prayers, and resources coming! Don’t forget to tell us what you need, too. What changes, additions, and services would you like to see come out of the District’s communications efforts?
E-mail me your content, feedback, and suggestions so we can continue to serve you and your fellow DENA Lasallians. We’re always looking for fresh ideas to expand our offerings to you!
In the meantime, enjoy the remainder of summer with friends and family, and the sixth issue of our Living Lasallian e-newsletter– the new school year will be here before you know it!
Yours in Mission,

Philip C. De Rita
P.S. Keep an eye out for the District’s new Facebook page, coming soon, with updates and news. Make sure to “Like” us! |
District Leader: Br. James Martino, FSC
Director of Administration
On the verge of his 25th year with the Institute, Brother James R. Martino, FSC is just that; Brother to his fellow religious and educators, and older Brother to the students who have been entrusted to his care. Starting his career with the Brothers of the Christian Schools after graduating from Central Michigan University in 1985, James spent two years as a teacher at CBA Syracuse before entering the novitiate at Skaneateles, in western New York. A stone’s throw from Syracuse, and a short drive to St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo (where Br. James first met the Christian Brothers), Skaneateles was a sort of homecoming, as he and his family of 4 siblings had moved to Michigan before he graduated from SJCI.
Read about Brother James >
Featured Ministry:
St. Raphael Academy
Location: Pawtucket, RI
Founded: 1924
Students: 385
Faculty: 35 teachers
Mascot: Saints
Saint Raphael Academy is a Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory school founded in the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Academy welcomes a student body that is academically, economically, and culturally diverse. Through its commitment to Christian values, the Academy strives for excellence in all programs for the spiritual, academic, cultural, and physical development of each student. Saint Raphael Academy seeks to provide a safe environment that places priority on mutual respect as well as self-discipline. The Academy prepares each student for a life dedicated to learning, leadership, and service to the Church and community.
Saint Raphael Academy is located in the quiet, safe, and residential neighborhood known as Quality Hill, a historic district of Pawtucket, Rhode Island. The Academy is only a few miles from downtown Providence.
See featured story > |
Council Corner:
Br. Frank Byrne, FSC
District Council Member
Brother Francis Gerard Byrne (Brother Frank) is an all around man of great commitment and integrity. He is totally absorbed in his job and offers countless hours as President of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, New Jersey. As a 1975 CBA graduate, Frank surely feels right at home serving as President. Frank unites both prayer and work to an exemplary degree. He’s authentic. Described as “the real deal,” he is undoubtedly an ideal successor to the former President of CBA, Brother Andrew O’Gara, FSC. Most of all, Brother Frank is a man of the utmost loyalty to his family.
Read about Brother Frank > |
