fsc dena
Called to Be Brothers

Dear Lasallians,

Dennis LeeBeginning in the fall of 2009, and coincidentally the beginnings of DENA, the USA-Toronto Region embarked upon a two year program designed specifically for the Brothers. It was named Called to Be Brothers.

With the help of a video message from our Superior General, Br. Álvaro Rodríguez Echevarría, support from a leading international Lasallian scholar, Br. Gerard Rummery, and from many of the Brothers of the Region, Days of Recollection have taken place during this past year in local communities. For this summer, each district has been encouraged to have a retreat, inviting all their Brothers to come together.

On July 31, 2011, the Brothers of DENA will gather at La Salle University for a week-long retreat.

Br. Sean Sammon, FMS, will be the facilitator and Fr. Robert Joerger, CssP, will be the liturgist. The presenters include:

  • Sr. Mary Dacey, SSJ (Philadelphia)
  • Br. Robert Schieler (General Councilor for the USA-Toronto Region)
  • Br. Dennis Malloy (Visitor)
  • Br. Robert Berger (Manhattan College)
  • Br. Michael French (Midwest District)
  • Br. William Mann (Saint Mary’s University, MN)

Called to Be BrothersThe themes of the retreat include the Consecrated Life of the Brothers, Association for the Mission, and Vocation Promotion.

During the week, there will be an opportunity to remember the Brothers who have died, as well as to celebrate the Brothers who are Jubilarians this year. A sure highlight will be the profession of vows for the first time—by Brothers Tony Baginski, Ken Kalinowski, Anwar Martinez, and Michael Miller—who will have completed their novitiate year.


Dennis Lee, FSC
Auxillary Visitor, Office of Community Life & Formation

The Top 5 News Stories

Executive Director for the Regional Council of Lasallian Association for Mission

La Salle Seniors Headed To Brown University

La Sallian Youth Pinning Ceremony

DENA schools make it to The Scholastic Rowing Association of America Finals

La Salle University Students Celebrated for Service


Website Spotlite

District Programs

So, you’ve been with your Lasallian ministry a little while now, and want to learn more about our Founder, and the Lasallian charism, while meeting Christian Brothers and Partners from other schools.

Check out our “Programs” page, chock full of Lasallian Formation activities offered by the Region and the District.

Each Ministry has a Lasallian Animator, find yours, and find out how you can get more involved locally or in one of our programs!

Click here for
Programs information >

District Leader: Brother Charles Mrozinski

Chuck MrozinskiThe Go-To Guy

Living Lasallian is definitely an explanation of what it’s like to be Brother Chuck. Even after 40 years as a member of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Brother Charles Edward Mrozinski continues to uphold the duties of a true Lasallian.

A native of Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, Brother Chuck, or as many would call him “the go-to guy” performs any job he is given with much dedication, and does not hesitate to offer his time and talent. Br. Chuck received an education in a Catholic environment, beginning at St. Joseph School in Natrona Heights and continuing on to St. Joseph High School.

Read about Brother Chuck >

Featured Ministry:
Manhattan College

Location: Riverdale, New York
Founded: 1853
Undergraduate population: 3,500
201 full-time faculty and 100 part-time faculty (12:1 student/faculty ratio.)
Mascot: Jaspers

In May 1853, five Christian Brothers moved their small Canal Street school to what was then known as Manhattanville, a section of New York City at 131st Street and Broadway. The Brothers brought with them more than their furniture and their students. They brought with them their mission of making a human and Christian education available to all.

See featured story >

Council Corner:
Mr. Edward Barno

Mission Executive Council Member

councilMr. Edward Barno served as chair of Christian Brothers Academy–Syracuse’s Board of Trustees from 2007-2010, and has been a board member since the late 1990’s. He was instrumental in developing CBA’s current strategic plan, and under his leadership as Board Chair, the school implemented a comprehensive capital campaign, successfully raising $11 million.

Read about Ed Barno >

fsc dena

Monthly Online Features

This month’s Looking Back
history section looks at
the joy of graduation

View this month’s Looking Back >

Honoring Those Notably
Dedicated to the Mission

See this month’s Lasallians >