fsc dena
It’s the Lasallian Formation Season!

Dear Lasallians,

headAs the end of the school year approaches, with it comes the summer, and many of our local and Regional Lasallian formation programs.

Formation programs are conducted to educate the larger Lasallian family about the charism and teachings of our founder, all while becoming more connected and engaged with the greater Lasallian mission (and you thought learning was only for students!).

It’s not too late (but pretty close) to register for these summer formation programs. If you are interested, please register very soon! All registration information is available on the DENA “Programs” web page. Before registering, please check with the appropriate administrator at your educational ministry. For more specific information and questions on these programs please contact Br. Ernest Miller at

Summer Offerings

Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies

Lasallian Youth

Young Lasallians (VEGA)

Mark Your Calendars:
Fall Worskhops

Br. Luke Salm, FSC Religious Education Workshop
October 2-4, 2011

Huether Lasallian Conference
November 17-19, 2011

I look forward to seeing you at one of
our formation programs!



Mr. Alan Weyland
Executive Director for Mission and Ministry

The Top 5 News Stories

Lasallian District Video Contest Winners

St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Celebration of the Arts

Lasallian Association from Different Places and Generations

La Salle Academy Alums are “Big Brothers”

Br. Thomas Gerrow Honored by the John Carroll Society

Happy Founder’s Week!

On May 15th, the Institute celebrated our Founder’s Day. For many of our schools and ministries, this week is spent celebrating the life and legacy of St. John Baptist de La Salle, reflecting on his work, and the creation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

How fortunate are we to be part of this great educational mission?

St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us!

Live Jesus in
our hearts, forever!

Website Spotlite

Br. Gerard Rummery, FSC:
A Lasallian Conversation

In the Resources section of the DENA website, the full DVD version of the Lasallian Conversation, hosted at Manhattan College, is now available. The presentation is also available in different parts.

Need the short, seven minute video on the life of De La Salle for a presentation? Click here.

Looking for the powerpoint presentation Br. Gerard used to facilitate a discussion on Lasallian Association? Click here.

Want the full presentation in smaller bite sized pieces? Click here.

We have them all available in the District Resources, check it out!

District Leader:
Brother Timothy
Froehlich, FSC

Director of Finance

Brother Tim has the ability to look at what needs to be done, to set and prioritize goals clearly, and then to take action toward those goals. As a result, he responded to a need in the newly formed District of Eastern North America (DENA) and accepted the position of Director of Finance.  Although the Provincial Visitor is the highest authority in the District, we all know Tim is the “real boss” because he oversees all the District’s financial operations!

Read about Brother Tim >

Featured Ministry:
St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute

Location: Buffalo, NY
Founded: 1861
700 boys
78 Lasallian educators and staff
Mascot: The Marauders

Back in the late 1850s, Buffalo was a vibrant, bustling city, primarily comprised of immigrants. Bishop John Timon, who was very familiar with the Christian Brothers in Europe, made a plea for assistance in educating the immigrant Catholic youth of Buffalo.

See featured story >

Council Corner:
Brother Domenic Viggiani, FSC

councilDistrict Council Member

District Council Member, Brother Domenic Viggiani, FSC, is a 1976 graduate, and current president of De La Salle College “Oaklands.” He has also served as a teacher and principal. A dedicated community builder, Br. Domenic is an effective, inspiring leader.

Read about Brother
Domenic >

fsc dena

Monthly Online Features

This month’s Looking Back
history section looks at
this altered drawings of the founder

View this month’s Looking Back >

Honoring Those Notably
Dedicated to the Mission

See this month’s Lasallians >