It’s the Lasallian Formation Season!
Dear Lasallians,
As the end of the school year approaches, with it comes the summer, and many of our local and Regional Lasallian formation programs.
Formation programs are conducted to educate the larger Lasallian family about the charism and teachings of our founder, all while becoming more connected and engaged with the greater Lasallian mission (and you thought learning was only for students!).
It’s not too late (but pretty close) to register for these summer formation programs. If you are interested, please register very soon! All registration information is available on the DENA “Programs” web page. Before registering, please check with the appropriate administrator at your educational ministry. For more specific information and questions on these programs please contact Br. Ernest Miller at
Summer Offerings
Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies
Lasallian Youth
Young Lasallians (VEGA)
Mark Your Calendars:
Fall Worskhops
Br. Luke Salm, FSC Religious Education Workshop
October 2-4, 2011
Huether Lasallian Conference
November 17-19, 2011
I look forward to seeing you at one of
our formation programs!

Mr. Alan Weyland
Executive Director for Mission and Ministry |
Happy Founder’s Week!

On May 15th, the Institute celebrated our Founder’s Day. For many of our schools and ministries, this week is spent celebrating the life and legacy of St. John Baptist de La Salle, reflecting on his work, and the creation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
How fortunate are we to be part of this great educational mission?
St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us!
Live Jesus in
our hearts, forever! |