Dear Lasallians,
We’re in the homestretch! Summer is near, and so is the end of the school year. As you read this edition of the E-News, our Colleges and Universities have concluded their Commencement ceremonies, and our Secondary and Middle Schools are preparing for or completing their final exams (some have already graduated, too!). Our Youth and Family Ministries continue to provide care and education to the students entrusted to them, but even they will be switching over to summer schedules, full of safe and fun, on and off campus activities.
We encourage you to keep an eye on your e-mail throughout the summer months as we keep you up-to-date on the different activities happening throughout the District, with our E-News. Our San Miguel Middle Schools, with their extended summer programs will no doubt be producing photos and news, as well as our Lasallian Youth Assembly at Niagara University in Niagara, NY, and the Regional Summer Retreat for the Brothers at Lewis University in Romeoville, IL.
Stay tuned and check the District website often! Until then, best wishes to all our Lasallian students in their academics, and good luck to all our graduates on the next step of their Lasallian journey!

Philip De Rita
Dir. of Communications/Public Relations

Website Spotlite
The Lasallian Region of North America – Christian Brothers Conference Office unveiled In the Footsteps of De La Salle website on the Feast Day of John Baptist de La Salle, Patron Saint of Teachers, May 15, 2012. This interactive and comprehensive project, over three years in the making, is a virtual pilgrimage of the major Lasallian historical sites in France, with Brother Gerard Rummery as your guide. Want to know everything De La Salle? This is the website to check out!
Council Corner
Brother Robert Berger, FSC
District Council Member
A devoted and zealous Christian Brother, imbued with the vision and the spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Brother Robert is an effective teacher, deeply concerned for the intellectual growth and the spiritual maturity of his students. Before returning to his Alma Mater, Manhattan College, in 1988, Br. Robert taught mathematics and religion at Christian Brothers Academy in Albany, and Lincroft. Br. Robert has always…
Read about Br. Robert >
Featured Ministry: La Salle Institute
Location: Troy, NY
Founded: 1850
Students: 400 students
Faculty: 63 faculty and staff
Mascot: The Cadets
Over a century and a half ago, the spirit of LaSalle came to this burgeoning factory city on the Hudson. Founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, its purpose was to transform poor immigrant boys into moral, productive, honorable men. Its method was to teach mind, body and spirit, to give lessons in history and geometry, literature and physics, to coach teams and instill a sense of God’s presence in the lives of the young men entrusted into their care. Its ultimate goal–to turn young men’s eyes up from the grit of Troy, New York, the tenements and streets of mills, to seek eternity through a defined path and purpose on this earth.
LaSalle immediately prospered. As Troy’s industry grew, and workers developed unions to combat the oppressive mill owners, the Brothers quietly and respectfully taught their lessons and molded their young men to enter…
See featured story > |
What’s Happening

Called to Be Brothers
Registration Deadline:
June 1, 2012
Last call for registration to the regional assembly. Brothers, register here!
Contact Br. James Martino
or Ms. Michele Beauboeuf
Lasallian Youth
Assembly 2012
Registration Deadline:
June 4, 2012
Lasallian Youth Moderators / Heads of Ministries, please register here>
Contact Br. Ernest Miller

