We Are Blessed!As our District of Eastern North America continues to evolve and grow, there continues to be a positive focus on the health and well-being of each of our Brothers and, especially, on our senior Brothers.
Our district has appointed two very qualified health care coordinators for the southern and northern tier of the district. Along with our two coordinators, we also have two very qualified RN’s who oversee the care of the Brothers in various sectors of the district.
DENA also has three health care communities with excellent medical staffing to care for the Brothers who have need of such communities: De La Salle Hall (Lincroft, NJ); La Salle Hall (Ammendale, MD); and La Salle Manor (Scarborough, Ontario, Canada).
DENA does take the aging process seriously and wants to be of assistance to each Brother so that those precious years, a gift from God, will be filled with passion for all of life.
DENA also celebrates aging and long life, realizing fully the support, affirmation, and encouragement of all the Brothers.
So let us give praise to the Giver of all life! We, Brothers, are indeed blessed!
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be …” Robert Browning.
Br. Stephen Olert, FSC

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Distinguished Lasallian Educators of
the District