fsc dena
photoWe Are Blessed!As our District of Eastern North America continues to evolve and grow, there continues to be a positive focus on the health and well-being of each of our Brothers and, especially, on our senior Brothers.

Our district has appointed two very qualified health care coordinators for the southern and northern tier of the district. Along with our two coordinators, we also have two very qualified RN’s who oversee the care of the Brothers in various sectors of the district.
DENA also has three health care communities with excellent medical staffing to care for the Brothers who have need of such communities: De La Salle Hall (Lincroft, NJ); La Salle Hall (Ammendale, MD); and La Salle Manor (Scarborough, Ontario, Canada).

DENA does take the aging process seriously and wants to be of assistance to each Brother so that those precious years, a gift from God, will be filled with passion for all of life.

DENA also celebrates aging and long life, realizing fully the support, affirmation, and encouragement of all the Brothers.

So let us give praise to the Giver of all life! We, Brothers, are indeed blessed!

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be …” Robert Browning.

Br. Stephen Olert, FSC


The Top 5 News Stories

Special Announcement: Associate Director for Mission & Ministry

Colin Powell Visits La Salle Academy-NYC

St. Martin’s Secondary School: Service in Times of Need

HEARTS Initiative receives $75,000 Grant

Blessings for the New St. Raymond High School for Boys Facility

Website Spotlite

Distinguished Lasallian Educators of
the District

Each year, The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the US / Toronto Region recognize Lasallian Educators for their outstanding work and dedication to the charism of Saint La Salle, with the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award at the annual Huether Lasallian Conference. This year these three Educators will be honored for their dedication to the Lasallian mission in DENA.

Brother photoDistrict Member

Brother Thomas Scanlan, FSC
Auxiliary Visitor for Board Relations and Special Projects

Brother Thomas Scanlan was born in New York City and attended Sacred Heart Parish in the Highbridge section of the Bronx. Br. Thomas returned to his native Bronx in1987 as the president of Manhattan College. During his presidency (1987-2009), the college flourished, adding new academic programs, campus buildings, all while attaining fiscal health.

Read about Br. Thomas >

Featured Ministry:
The San Miguel School, Providence
Location: Providence, RI
Founded: 1993
Students: 64 Boys in Grades 5-8
Faculty: 24 staff members-13 full-time; 11 part-time and/or volunteer
Mascot: The San Miguel Stars

As a direct response to the Brothers’ General Chapter of 1988 to return to the Institute’s Lasallian roots in 17th century France, The San Miguel School in Providence was opened in 1993 by Br. Lawrence Goyette, FSC, and two Lasallian Volunteers.

See featured story >

Council Spotlight:
Brother Daniel Gardner, FSC
District Council Membercouncil

Br. Daniel Gardner is a “Brothers’ Boy” from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo, class of ’90. He is in the midst of his sixth year as principal of St. Raymond High School for Boys in the Bronx, NY. Prior to his being assigned to St. Raymond, Br. Dan served as teacher and administrator at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft.

Read about Br. Daniel >

fsc dena

imageMission Assembly VideoHopefully you were able to tune in for the keynote addresses at the Mission Assembly. If not, we have them archived on our fscDENA Ustream channel. Check them out here. HistoryBrother Alvaro’s
Pastoral VisitAfter two weeks in DENA, Br. Alvaro jetted out yesterday to head back to Rome. Click here for all the photos, blog entries, and see Br. Alvaro and our Lasallian Students in the news!