fsc dena

Mission Assembly Coming Soon

The third step in our Associated for Lasallian Mission… A Journey of Hope is the District Mission Assembly, and it’s fast approaching!

From November 3 – 6, Brothers and Partners will gather in Long Branch, New Jersey, to approve District-wide structures to support Mission and Ministry, develop directional statements that the District will respond to over the next 3-5 years, further develop the Vision of the District, all while enhancing the Association of Brothers, Partners, and all stakeholders involved in advancing our shared Lasallian Mission.

This is no small task, but with experienced and passionate Lasallians, inspired by Brother Alvaro’s keynote address that opens the Assembly, the mission of a human and Christian education, especially for the poor, will be at the heart of our proceedings.

Please be sure to tune into all the live video streams of our Keynote speakers, and connect to the blog that will post proceedings and happenings of the Assembly. All of this is housed here in the Mission Assembly section of the website.



Alan Weyland

St. John Baptist de La Salle…
Pray for us.

Live Jesus in our Hearts…

The Top 5 News Stories

3rd Annual Christmas Card Contest

Postulants Welcomed at Jeremy House

DLS Freeport on the Farm

CBA Lincroft Cross-Country Ranked #1 in the Nation

La Salle Academy Launches “Nothing” Campaign

Website Spotlite


General Visits

Starting November 1st, Superior General Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC will be making his Pastoral Visit to our District. View his itinerary to see when and where he is visiting throughout the District. Check back here during Br. Alvaro’s visit through November 15th for news, updates, and photos!

Brother photoDistrict Member

Philip De Rita, Director of Communications
and Public Relations

The youngest of our District leadership, Phil brings an unparalled energy for the mission to our Eatontown office. He can be heard singing (badly) daily as he diligently manages our communications efforts. From the virtual to the hard copy, if it’s communications or public relations, Phil has had his hands on it.

Read about Phil >

Featured Ministry:
La Salle Academy

Location: New York, NY
Founded: 1848
Students: 340 boys
Faculty: 41 full and part-time faculty and staff
Mascot: The Cardinals

Located on the lower East Side of Manhattan, La Salle Academy serves a multi-ethnic community of 340 students, a large percentage of the student body being of Hispanic descent. These young men are committed Lasallians who treat one another with respect and care. They are reverent and appreciate the power of the Spirit of God found within the student body itself.

See featured story >

Council Spotlight:
Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli

Mission Executive Council Member

President, St. John’s College High School, Washington, DC


Mr. Jeffrey Mancabelli became the 28th President of St. John’s College High School on July 1, 2010. His appointment marked his 11th year of service to St. John’s, where he has served as teacher of Speech and Communications, the Director of Summer School, Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs and Principal for nine years. Jeff is a member of the St. John’s Board of Trustees.

Read about Mr. Mancabelli >

fsc dena


Don’t forget to
like us on Facebook >

International Lasallian Days of Peace

Has your ministry advocated for peace yet? It’s not too late! There are plenty of resources available. On Friday October 21st we’re looking for all of our Lasallians to Wear White for Peace, take a photo, and upload it to the Young Lasallians DENA Facebook page. Don’t forget all Lasallians across the globe will reflect in a moment of silence on the 21st also!

Click here for more information >