Mission Assembly Coming Soon
The third step in our Associated for Lasallian Mission… A Journey of Hope is the District Mission Assembly, and it’s fast approaching!
From November 3 – 6, Brothers and Partners will gather in Long Branch, New Jersey, to approve District-wide structures to support Mission and Ministry, develop directional statements that the District will respond to over the next 3-5 years, further develop the Vision of the District, all while enhancing the Association of Brothers, Partners, and all stakeholders involved in advancing our shared Lasallian Mission.
This is no small task, but with experienced and passionate Lasallians, inspired by Brother Alvaro’s keynote address that opens the Assembly, the mission of a human and Christian education, especially for the poor, will be at the heart of our proceedings.
Please be sure to tune into all the live video streams of our Keynote speakers, and connect to the blog that will post proceedings and happenings of the Assembly. All of this is housed here in the Mission Assembly section of the website.

Alan Weyland
St. John Baptist de La Salle…
Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…
Forever! |
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