fsc dena

Dear Lasallians,

On October 16th, we concluded our 3rd annual Brother Luke Salm, FSC, Religious Workshop.

Over 30 Lasallian religious educators and campus ministers converged on Christian Brothers Center in Narragansett for this three day conference.

Professor Hosffman Ospino of Boston College helped our Lasallian educators see the growing multicultural reality in our Church and our schools, and how we can open the hearts and minds of students to the world around them.

Mr. Ken Coughlin of Bishop Kelley High School and Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch led breakout sessions more specific to the needs of participants, in the Bishops’ religious framework, and in campus ministry respectively.

Br. Frederick Mueller, FSC, wrapped up the workshop, spring-boarding off Professor Ospino’s teaching, placing all that was learned into our Lasallian heritage, charism, and pedagogy.

The serene, coastal Rhode Island surroundings allowed for reflection and Lasallian socializing.

Many thanks to our participants for taking time out of their schedules to expand their professional skills, and to administrators at each of our ministries for investing in their staff members.

May you all continue to expand your knowledge and professional skills, as well as your faith and zeal for this educational mission.



Alan Weyland
Director of Mission and Ministry


The Top 5 News Stories

International Lasallian Days of Peace Activity: Rhode Island Lasallian Youth Gather to View and Discuss Peace

Freeport’s Fresh Faced Farmers

St. Raphael in the “Friday Night Lights”

La Salle University Celebrates 150th with a Global Day of Service

Dedication of Sterner Hall at La Salle College High


Website Spotlite


With over 35 different ministries in the District of Eastern North America, some staff members and administrators are bound to change. It is our pleasure each year to introduce new Lasallian leaders throughout DENA as they take the helm at their respective ministries.


picCouncil Corner

Brother Richard Galvin, FSC
District Council Member

Richard is a Brother of many talents and much energy. He is the Director of the Brothers Community at St. Raymond’s High School Boys. He is certainly one of the most respected Brothers in the Community, always ready to be of service to its members. He is a man of deep faith and leads the community by example…

Read about Br. Richard >

Featured Ministry:
La Salle Academy

Location: Providence, RI
Founded: 1871
Students: 1,511 young men and women, grades 7-12
Faculty & Staff: 170
Mascot: The Rams

La Salle Academy had its beginnings in 1871 as an elementary school for boys in downtown Providence. The school served the boys of the Cathedral and Saint John parishes and was staffed by a diocesan priest, a layman, and three De La Salle Christian Brothers. The school became known as the “Brothers’ School” and was renamed La Salle Academy when its status was changed from an elementary school to an academy.

The early years were ones of happy growth and steady expansion.


See featured story >

What’s Happening

The Still Point Retreat
“Finding the Still Point in a Whirlwind Life”

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Christian Brothers Center
Narragansett, RI
9:30-1:30pm Sessions

For more information click here, or contact Br. Ed Phelan to register for this retreat that focuses on silence, stillness, solitude, and simplicity.

4th Annual District Christmas Card Art Contest

Submissions due Friday November 9th

Click here for more information on this annual contest, open to all Lasallian High School students (9-12) at our DENA Ministries.

Huether Lasallian Conference
“Faith in Action: Global Engagement through Lasallian Education”

November 15 – 17, 2012
L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Each year, the Huether Lasallian Conference provides an invaluable opportunity for Lasallian educators of the Lasallian Region of North America and beyond to come together to explore issues of special interest and importance.

Save the Date: International Lasallian Youth Gathering and World Youth Day

July 20-22, 2013 and July 23-28, 2013
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Click here for more information

fsc dena


Did You Know?

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quick news bites and Lasallian happenings!



See the latest edition of “Looking Back”

Lasallian Education