New Narragansett Cemetery Dedicated

The new cemetery of the Long Island-New England District at Narragansett (RI) was dedicated on July 18, 1962. At 5:45 in the morning, a procession of novices, postulants, retired Brothers, and visiting Brothers processed to the cemetery to witness the dedication, and then all returned to the chapel where Mass was celebrated for the six LI-NE Brothers who have been interred there so far.

Long Island-New England District Newsletter, October 15, 1962, p. 4.

Brother Erminus Joseph Honored

Brother Erminus Joseph (Melofchik), Visitor General of the USA and former novicemaster (1942-1962) of the Baltimore District, was honored during the summer for his years of devoted service in the formation of novices.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1962, p. 6.

Year End Activities for Barrytown Novices

The senior outing at the Barrytown (NY) Junior Novitiate is scheduled for June 29. The boys will go to Troy and Albany for a day, then stay over at Hillside (Troy) and return on June 30. Graduation is scheduled for June 3, with visiting Sunday on June 10.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1962, p. 5.

Paolo Gerli Receives Letters of Affiliation

Paolo Gerli Receives Letters of Affiliation

Paolo Gerli Receives Letters of Affiliation

On July 14, 1962, Paolo Gerli, a distinguished industrialist and Manhattan College alum, received letters of affiliation from Assistant Superior General Bro. Charles Henry in a ceremony at Manhattan.

Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes, July 1962, pp. 228-229.