Novices Hike Barrytown

Novices Hike Barrytown

Barrytown Ladies Communion Breakfast

On November 8, the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Barrytown held their annual Communion Breakfast at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City, which was preceded by their attendance at Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Church.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), December 1936, p. 31.

Two Students Win K of C Scholarship

Two De La Salle students brought glory to their school during this time: “Two Oaklands Honour [sic] Matriculation students won each a scholarship from Knights of Columbus in the July examinations: Arthur J. Murphy and Arthur T. Coates. The scholarship is worth $100 a year for four years at Toronto University. The boys are only 16 years of age.”

Thanksgiving at the Theatre

Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada each October, and the holiday fell on October 12 that year. The boys of St. John’s returned to the Kingswood Theatre to watch “Under Two Flags,” a Mickey Mouse cartoon, a football “short,” etc. That same night, the annual three-day retreat for the boys began.

Novices Hike Barrytown


On November 12, the annual series of long hikes resumed at Barrytown for the Novices.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), December 1936, p. 31.

Monsignor, Educated by Brothers, Welcomed to Catholic U

Monsignor, Educated by Brothers, Welcomed to Catholic U

Monsignor, Educated by Brothers, Welcomed to Catholic U

The faculty and Student Brothers at Catholic University took part in the inauguration ceremonies of Monsignor Joseph Corrigan as sixth Rector of Catholic University on November 18. Monsignor Corrigan was formerly a student of the Brothers, for one year each, at La Salle High and La Salle College (both in Philadelphia).

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), December 1936, p. 18.

Soaked Band Plays Holy Name Parade in Toronto

On September 27, at the request of the Archdiocese, the De La Salle College band (125 members) and the cadet officers travelled by special train from Union Station in Toronto to St. Catherine’s (Ontario) to lead the Diocesan Holy Name Parade in that city. The boys gave a grand account of themselves. After the parade, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was held in the open air, despite the rain. Following this, the band paraded to the Carmelite Sisters Hostel where they had a dinner served by the Sisters and the ladies auxiliary of the Holy Name Society. “The rain poured all evening; the boys got quite a soaking getting to the train, but as the train was heated no one caught cold on the way home.”