Baltimore Statistics

Statistics are in for the Baltimore District. The total number of Brothers is 511, which includes 11 Brothers in the foreign missions. The total number of students is 14,903; the largest enrollment is La Salle College’s 4,700, while West Catholic (1,959) and Central Catholic (1,568) are the largest high schools. Excluding student Brothers and novices, the average age of a Baltimore District Brother is 39.7. The youngest Community is Canton Central Catholic (average age, 27). The oldest Community (excluding Ammendale and Elkins Park) is St. Francis (Eddington), with an average age of 48.

News Briefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 1

St. Joseph’s Hall at Elkins Park Opens

St. Joseph's Hall at Elkins Park Opens

St. Joseph’s Hall at Elkins Park Opens

St. Joseph’s Hall opened for 52 Student Brothers and 3 faculty Brothers at the Elkins Park (PA) House of Studies, on Ashbourne Road. It was built to relieve the overcrowding at Anselm Hall.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 6.

New Lourdes Shrine Gift at La Salle College HS

A new Lourdes shrine, the gift of Mr. Joseph Guerrina—complete with outdoor altar, communion rail, waterfall, and lily pond—was scheduled to be dedicated at La Salle College HS on October 6.

News Briefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 7; October 1961, p. 4.

Bishop Loughlin Wins Kodak Camera Contest

The Camera Club of Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn) has won the top award in the Kodak contest for schools. Brother Charles Felix is the moderator, and the club has been selected as the topic for the feature article in Kodak national magazine entitled “Photography in the School.”

LI-NE District Newsletter, November 15, 1961, p. 4.

New! Overhead Projector Technology at Saint Rays

A Saint Raphael Academy (Pawtucket) news story gave a detailed explanation regarding the high tech teaching innovation of 1961: the overhead projector, in which the teacher utilizing it can face his students in a fully lit classroom, and maintain full visual contact with the class at all times. Plastic transparencies were referred to as “projectuals.”

LI-NE District Newsletter, November 15, 1961, p. 8.

$1,183 Tea Party

On September 28, a very successful tea was held at the residence of Mrs. Boyd Webster. $1,183 was raised on this occasion for De La Salle (Oaklands).

Annals of the De La Salle Community, 1931-2001, pp 143-144

New Chevrolet Winner at Raffle

On November 23, the Quarterback Club brought their raffle campaign to a close in the De La Salle (Oaklands) cafeteria; the grand prize was a new Chevrolet. $1,800 was raised; the money will purchase sports equipment and furnish several scholarships for needy students.

New Brothers’ Residence Planned in Buffalo

New Brothers' Residence Planned in Buffalo

New Brothers’ Residence Planned in Buffalo

For the first time since they came to Buffalo 100 years ago, the Christian Brothers will have their own home. For all that time the Brothers have lived in improvised quarters. But on October 8, ground was broken for a new $360,000 residence building. The Visitor of NY, Brother Anthony John, was in attendance.

FSC, December 1961, p. 1. ; New York Newsletter, November 1, 1961, p. 12.

Student Retreat House Planned

A student retreat house for the schools of the NY District is envisioned for either the Lincroft (NJ) or Barrytown (NY) area. Problem: a sufficient water supply at either site.

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 2.

New DLS College Chapel

Plans are being drawn up for a new chapel at De La Salle College (D.C.); it will have brick walls on the interior, a quarry tile floor, a granite altar, and “a portable altar for Mass facing the congregation at suitable and approved times.”

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 7.

All Male Faculty Warns of Trouble

The Boys’ Department of Good Shepherd Parish School (NY) for the first time in its history has an all-male faculty. Unfortunately, a problem in the Community that fall went unexplained except for these scant details: “Beware of one R.C. [Roman Catholic] 5 feet 4 inches, posing as a cook, she is wanted in Good Shepherd for the attempted poisoning and gassing of eight men. She is dangerous and armed with a thirst for beer, and the ability to wreck a house in four days.”

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 9.

Waking Bell Rings—Time to Stay Asleep!

At St. Augustine’s School Community (Bronx), a mishap occurred one night at 12:45am. One of the Brothers rang the rising bell at that crazy hour, and five of the seven Brothers in the Community shot to their feet upon hearing it. But Brother Christopher Louis fortunately did not even hear the bell, being a sound sleeper. But how do we explain the logic—or absence of it—when Brother Charles Patrick walked into Brother Louis’ room, woke him, told him that it was 12:45am, and not to get up?

[Says Bro Joe: Sounds like that classic Three Stooges’ line: “Wake up and go to sleep!”]

New York Newsletter, Nov. 1, 1961, p. 15.

Lincoln Hall Cottage Upgrades

Modernization of Lincoln Hall’s eleven cottages will begin soon—new roofs, floors, furniture and more.

New York Newsletter, Dec. 1, 1961, p. 13.