Spelling Bee at Holy Name

60 contestants from Lasallian grade schools in NYC met at Holy Name School Auditorium for the annual spelling bee, and were interrogated for two hours by Br. Arthur, vice-principal of St. Augustine’s HS in Brooklyn. The victor was a boy from Holy Name School who mastered the word “syllogism.”

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Easter 1939, p. 62.

Oaklands Band Plays

The band at De La Salle College (“Oaklands,” Toronto) was presented with 64 silver, gold-plated trumpets through the generosity of Senator Frank P. O’Connor and are the British army regulation bugle.

Bulletin of the St. De La Salle Auxiliary, December 1938, p. 13.

First Catholic High School Press Conference

75LocalLaSallePressConf007The first annual Catholic High School Press Conference was held at La Salle College on Feb. 26. Coordinated by Br. F. Andrew, this conference was the first ever held in this section of the US and encouraged student publishers of high school newspapers to stimulate interest in journalism. 600 students participated, representing over 60 high schools and academies.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale, MD), Spring 1939, pp. 109-110 and 113; and also The Messenger of the Divine Child, Easter 1939, pp. 54-55.

Card Party at Central Catholic

A successful card party was attended by almost 2,000 people at Central Catholic HS (Pittsburgh) on January 31, 1939.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale, MD), Spring 1939, p. 107.

Catholic Press Exhibit at CBA Albany

75LocalAlbanyPressConf008Christian Brothers’ Academy in Albany  held its Catholic Press Exhibit, consistent with February’s designation as Catholic Press Month.

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Easter 1939, pp. 53-54

TB Testing at St. John’s Toronto

At the St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) 139 boys received tubercular testing on February 6, and 135 were given the Schick test on Feb. 15 to determine resistance to diphtheria.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, Toronto/Uxbridge (ON), p.175.

Scranton School of Social Action

The School of Social Action was inaugurated on Feb. 7, 1939, at the University of Scranton. Lectures were given marriage, social problems, labor relations, public speaking, Catholic interpretation of history, with much Catholic literature sold to audiences.

The Messenger of the Divine Child, Easter 1939, p. 63.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE:  The University of Scranton remained a Lasallian school until 1942, when the Jesuits took over from the Christian Brothers.

Glee Club at La Salle

The La Salle College Glee Club was reorganized this academic year. It concluded a series of winter concerts on February 18 with a formal concert in College Hall.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale, MD), Spring 1939, p. 110.