NY World’s Fair News


On May 11, a cadet honor guard from La Salle Academy (Oakdale, Long Island) performed at the Vatican Pavilion of the NY World’s Fair, but in the tight atmosphere, one of the cadets–with outstretched sabre–fainted. Fortunately, a sharp observer in the audience not only saved the young man from keeling over, but also prevented the sabre from piercing a nearby bishop!

The Glee Club of Cardinal Spellman HS (Bronx) will appear at the NY State Building in late April

The Glee Club of St. Peter’s HS (Staten Island) will sing on May 5.

The boys of Manhattan Prep judged the General Motors exhibit as their favorite at the fair.

Newsletter of LI-NE, June 1, 1964, p. 5. New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 6.  New York Newsletter, May 1, 1964, p. 5.  New York Newsletter, June 1, 1964, p. 1.

DLS College (DC) Dedication

Over 500 people attended the big March 8 dedication of the new facilities at De La Salle College (the house of studies in Washington, DC). De La Salle now has a new library, chapel, auditorium, kitchen, community room, two dining rooms, and 90 private bedrooms.

FSC, March 1964, p. 4; FSC, June 1964, p. 2; and New York Newsletter, April 1, 1964, p. 5.

By The Numbers

Graduation totals from biggest Baltimore District schools: La Salle College (814); West Phila. Catholic (384); Pittsburgh Central Catholic (370); Calvert Hall (338); South Hills, Pgh. (284); St. John’s, D.C. (262); La Salle High, Phila. (187); Canton (OH) Central Catholic (166); Bishop O’Connell, VA (161).

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1964, p. 1.

St. John’s Easter

As in past years, most of the boys of the St. John’s Industrial School (Uxbridge, ON) were allowed home for an Easter visit. The remaining boys and staff attended midnight Mass because the local parish held their services at St. John’s school chapel.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto/Uxbridge), p. 404.

Many Scholarships in New York

Incredibly, 42% of the seniors of Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn) and 47.6% of the seniors at St. Augustine HS (Bronx) won scholarships from the NY State Regents Scholarship Exams.

Newsletter of LI-NE, April 1, 1964, p. 1.

90 from Loughlin Visits DC

About 90 seniors from Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn) toured Washington–including climbing the 879 steps of the Washington Monument and watching a Senate filibuster—and laying a wreath at the gravesite of President Kennedy.

Newsletter of LI-NE, March 1, 1964, p. 3 and also April 1, 1964, p. 9.

Detroit School Nearing Closure

The closure of St. Joseph’s HS (Detroit) is several months away, but the school’s Lasallian legacy was featured in a recent edition of the Detroit Free Press. The school’s entire library was donated to the novitiate and junior novitiate at Barrytown (NY).

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1964, p. 13. Newsletter of LI-NE, May 1, 1964, p. 2.

Brothers Join in Civil Rights Prayer

Various student Brothers from De La Salle College (Washington) are joining the interfaith theological students’ prayer vigil at the Lincoln Memorial in favor of civil rights; they take turns to be there at all times until the Civil Rights Act is enacted.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: After it was approved by the House of Representatives, the landmark Civil Rights Act was eventually passed by the Senate on June 19.

Many Lay Teachers Attend Meeting

“Unprecedented meeting of lay teachers of Archdiocesan high schools with Msgr. Hughes, Superintendent, held at West [Catholic HS].”

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 8.

DLS College Staff Off-Campus

An impressive number of student Brothers at De La Salle College, D.C., (about 55) are in off-campus catechetical work.

 Newsbriefs of LI-NE, June 1, 1964, p. 6.

Miami Science Fair Goes Statewide

News item from La Salle-Immaculata HS in Miami: “Lone freshman entry in local 950-student science fair got one of 29 superior ratings and will compete state-wide.” The new science building and the new field house will be dedicated on February 4.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 7. New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 3.

Debate Teams Goes National

10 members of the forensics team at Central Catholic (Pgh.) have qualified for the national Catholic grand speech/debate tournament in Denver—a diocesan record. The three speakers from Cardinal Spellman HS (Bronx) at the Catholic Forensics League grand tournament in Denver won the national championship.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 7. New York Newsletter, June 1, 1964, p. 11.

Brothers Published

Br. Francis Emery (Mollenhauer)’s Second Book of Poetry (McMillan Co.) and Bro. G. Nicholas (Sullivan)’s co-authored Speleology: The Study of Caves (D.C. Heath Co.) were published.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1964, p. 6.

St. Gabriel’s Hall Wall Taken Down

The last remnants of the old wall which separated the residents of St. Gabriel’s Hall (Audubon, PA) from the outside world were finally torn down.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1964, p. 8.

New JFK Bust at La Salle College

A bust of President Kennedy now graces the foyer of the La Salle College library.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1964, p. 4.

Trinity HS Dedicated in Camp Hill


Two bishops, priests, 140 Brothers, sisters, and civic dignitaries, and well over 1,000 friends attended the dedication of Trinity HS (Shiremanstown, PA, now Camp Hill).

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 7.

St. Bernard’s HS in Connecticut

The new high school in the Norwich (CT) Diocese will bear the name of St. Bernard’s Boys’ HS; the Brothers begin staffing it in September.

Newsletter of LI-NE, May 1, 1964, p. 1.

Brothers Now Live in a Mansion

The Kingsbridge Historical Society acknowledged that the Brothers’ residence of St. John’s Parish School (NYC) has been declared as a typical mansion of the early 1900s; it originally was built on Kingsbridge Ave, but was moved to Godwin Terrace circa 1910.

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 10.

NYC Prowler Needs a Job

From La Salle Academy (NYC): “Recently a prowler was caught in the Brothers’ house.  When caught rifling a bureau in the director’s bedroom, the prowler insistently claimed that he was only looking for a job.”

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 12

Remove Military Program in Troy?

The proposal to drop the military program at La Salle Institute (Troy, NY) met with vocal disagreement by the majority of parents; the continuation of JROTC there is an almost certainty.

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 18.

Maryland Retreat House Plans

Plans are complete for a modern retreat house for the Baltimore District near Frederick (MD) at an estimated cost of $350,000. Construction is planned to start in June, to be completed one year later. Br. David Peter (Ryan) has been appointed as the first director.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1964, p. 1; and also May 1964, p. 1.

Nuclear Activity at Manhattan

With the debut of Manhattan College’s new engineering building, a nuclear expert from Columbia University stated that Manhattan College will eventually have the best undergraduate nuclear laboratory in the US. The atomic reactor, a first for NYC, began 20 minutes before midnight on March 24 before a distinguished group of scientists.

New York Newsletter, March 1, 1964, p. 13.  New York Newsletter, April 1, 1964, p. 16.

King Hussein Receives Honorary Degree from Manhattan

King Hussein of Jordan received an honorary doctorate from Manhattan College on April 24. The king is appreciative for the Brothers’ teaching over 2,600 Jordanian students in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Amman.

FSC, June 1964, p. 1.

Vatican II Effects

Some effects of Vatican Council II among the Brothers’ communities in the Baltimore District: each house has a dialogue Mass on a regular basis; 8 are making regular use of the sung low Mass form once or twice a week; 12 make use of the liturgical postures; 7 have offertory processions on a regular basis; 7 have occasional Bible vigils in the community chapel.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 2.

New Ammendale Building


The new building for the St. La Salle Auxiliary at Ammendale (MD) is nearing completion.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1964, p. 4.

Spellman First in St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Cardinal Spellman HS (Bronx) had the honor of marching ahead of all other schools in NYC’s annual St. Patrick’s Parade.

New York Newsletter, April 1, 1964, p. 9.

Polio Vaccine by Thousands

7,700 people came to St. John’s College HS (Washington) to receive oral polio vaccine.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1964, p. 8.

Woody Allen at St. John’s

From St. John’s College HS (Washington): “Woody Allen and the Rooftop Singers will participate in Alumni’s Hootenanny.”

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1964, p. 8.

Bishop O’Connell New Auditorium

A new octagonal auditorium was approved for Bishop O’Connell HS (Arlington, VA).

Newbriefs of Baltimore, May 1964, p. 3.

18 Confirmed at La Salle Albany

Bishop Scully administered confirmation at La Salle School (Albany) to 18 resident students and blessed a new statue of De La Salle.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1964, p. 4.

Language Lab at St. Raymond’s

A language lab worth $17,000 is being installed at St. Raymond’s HS (Bronx).

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1964, p. 12.