CBA Albany Receives $100K Home

Deeds of a 17-acre site near central Albany were formally presented to Christian Brothers Academy by Albany County (NY). It is considered to represent a gift of $100,000 and will be the new location of a bigger, modern CBA.

Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 54.

Lord Baltimore Represented

On the northeast corner of Calvert Hall College HS (Baltimore) is a statue of George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore and namesake of the school. Recently it was discovered in the Maryland room of the city’s Enoch Pratt Library that this statue is the only representation of the first Lord Baltimore.

Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 54.

LocalDeLaSalleCollege004DLS College Lab

A photo of the science laboratories of De La Salle College (the house of studies of the NY and Baltimore districts in Washington) appeared in the Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), March 1938, p. 39.


DLS Detroit Deeds

The deeds of De La Salle Collegiate (Detroit) were formally transferred to school authorities by the generous alumni who raised funds for the 12-acre site of the new school. The gift is worth at least $250,000.

Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 55.


75 Years for Manhattan

Spring 1938 featured the 75th anniversary of the chartering of Manhattan College in 1863. On April 20, the alumni society’s banquet was held at the Biltmore Hotel, attended by over 500. Cardinal Patrick Hayes — who received his B.A. from Manhattan 50 years earlier in 1888 — was the honored guest. On April 26, the new Cardinal Hayes Library was dedicated at Manhattan, followed by a solemn pontifical Mass in the college chapel and then a convocation at which four honorary degrees were awarded.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), June 1938, pp. 51-53.

Ammendale Upgrades


The chapel of the Junior Novitiate at Ammendale was repainted in spring or early summer of 1938, and its statues of the Sacred Heart and of Mary were retouched by Brother Felician. The remaking of the baseball field for the junior novices was completed by mid-May.

Bulletin of St. La Salle Auxiliary, Summer 1938, p. 60; photo is from Spring 1938 issue.

75% of School Has Flu

In early March 75% of the boys of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) were in bed with the flu.

House Chronology of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 173.

New Gym for La Salle Military

In late February 1938, ground was broken for the new gym at La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale, Long Island).

Messenger of the Divine Child, Spring 1938, p. 55.