100 Years for New York Protectory

Yet another centennial this year is celebrated by the ministry of the New York Protectory (continued by Lincoln Hall). Lincoln Hall has launched plans for a new chapel and a new school.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1963, pp. 2 and 10.

Labs & Classrooms for Manhattan

A building in Riverdale is being readied to house classrooms and labs for Manhattan College’s school of engineering beginning in September.

New York Newsletter, April 1, 1963, p. 15.

108 Brothers from Loughlin

Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn) is a powerhouse of vocations! As of fall 1962, 108 Christian Brothers have been identified as having been a student at Loughlin; 75 are in service, 30 in training, and 3 are deceased. The same survey lists 108 diocesan priests as former students of Loughlin, and 36 religious orders have Loughlinites among them.

FSC, March 1963, p. 4.

St. John’s St. Patty’s Day Band

The marching band of St. John’s College HS (Washington) impressed many a spectator at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Washington.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1963, p. 8.

Brother Visitor to Uxbridge

In early April, Brother Visitor made his canonical visit to the community at St. John’s Industrial School (Uxbridge, ON).

House Chronology of St. John’s Industrial School, p. 394.

Central Catholic Band in Ammendale

The band of Central Catholic HS (Pittsburgh) entertained the entire household at Ammendale with a concert in the new gymnasium at Ammendale, and a month later the band of La Salle College HS did the same.

Newsbriefs of Batlimore, April 1963, p. 3; and also May 1963, p. 3.

Olney Garden Apts. Bought for La Salle; To Become La Salle Hall

The acquisition of the Olney Garden Apartments by La Salle College (later renamed “La Salle Hall”) will help solve the shortage of residential space for students.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 5.

La Salle Providence Fallout Shelter

La Salle Academy (Providence) has been chosen as a fall-out shelter for their students and also for the students of several surrounding schools; the search has begun for storing adequate emergency supplies. “We wonder if this doesn’t come under the heading of State-Church aid!”

Newsletter of LI-NE, April 15, 1963, p. 3.

Archivist’s Note:

This news item was reported just a half-year after the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Brothers’ TV Struck by Lightning

One rainy evening at the community residence of Sacred Heart School (NYC), a frightened, ashen-faced Brother Berard Mark (sub-director) emerged from the basement TV room after being sprinkled with sparks from a lightning bolt which struck the TV antenna, traveled into the house, and jumped onto a chrome frame chair.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 6.

New Lab at St. John’s D.C.

A new language lab has been installed at St. John’s College HS (Washington). A 40-unit language lab was constructed at West Catholic HS (Phila.) on a trial basis, with final approval to come later. A 49-booth lab opened at Mater Christi HS (Astoria, NY) in January. La Salle Academy (Providence) anticipates opening a similar lab next year.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 7. Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 7. Newsletter of LI-NE, March 15, 1963, p. 3. Newsletter of LI-NE, May 15, 1963, p. 4.

Rainbow Play at Oaklands

“Finian’s Rainbow” was this year’s successful play at De La Salle “Oaklands” (Toronto), and was under the capable direction of Brothers Walter, Matthew, and Robert.

House Chronology of De La Salle “Oaklands,” p. 147.

DLS College Students Can Go Home

It was announced that the student Brothers at De La Salle College (Washington), at the end of their sophomore year, will be allowed to visit their parents for a few days; “you can guess how this news was received.” On March 16, possession was taken of the new dormitory wing. The new chapel awaits completion.

Newsletter of LI-NE, March 15, 1963, p. 7.

Loughlin Photography Props

The photography club of Bishop Loughlin HS (Brooklyn) will be receiving publicity in various newspapers around the country thanks to an Associate Press article.

Newsletter of LI-NE, April 15, 1963, p. 2.


100 Year at La Salle


March 20 marked the 100th anniversary of La Salle College, with various major events marking the occasion during “La Salle College Week” as proclaimed by Mayor Tate, a Brothers’ boy from St. Stephen’s School. One was a solemn pontifical Mass celebrated by Archbishop (later Cardinal) Krol in the Philadelphia cathedral. Archbishop Krol insisted on personally distributing Communion to the nearly 200 Brothers attending, and he “punctured protocol by injunction” that the Brothers lead the recessional from the cathedral.

Photo from La Salle, April 1963. Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1963, p. 4. New York Newsletter, May 1, 1963, p. 4.

100 Years at Manhattan


Manhattan College similarly observed the 100th anniversary of its chartering in 1963. On February 17, Bishop McEntegart (Brooklyn Diocese) was the main speaker at MC’s centenary communion breakfast at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Bishop McEntegart told all how proud he was not only to be a Brothers’ boy “and a Brothers’ Bishop,” but also proud to preside over a diocese which he called “the Brothers’ Diocese” because it “has more communities of teaching brothers than in any other diocese in the nation.”

New York Newsletter, April 1, 1963, p. 15.

College in Hartford or Suffolk

The LI-NE District, thanks to an analysis of Brother Augustine Philip’s study, has decided to open a Lasallian college in either Hartford (CT) or Suffolk County (Long Island), as early as 1967. On April 1, a meeting of the “Familiares,” a group of lay associates of the LI-NE District, was a big step to give counsel and financial security to the new endeavor.

Newsletter of LI-NE, March 15, 1963, p. 1 and also April 15, 1963, p. 6.

Speech Debate Wins

Central Catholic HS (Pgh.) and West Catholic HS (Phila.) won the first-place sweepstakes trophies in their respective cities in speech and debate.

Newsbriefs, April 1963, p. 4.

Bye Bye Birdie at La Salle

“Bye Bye Birdie,” presented by the Masque of La Salle College, set theater attendance records.

Newsbriefs, May 1963, p. 5.

Central Catholic Forensics Tourney

Central Catholic HS (Pgh.) hosted the largest (up to that time) National Catholic Forensic League tournament at the Pittsburgh Hilton, with other 600 students and 200 moderators attending. Central, with 10 entrants, has the largest representation of any school in the USA.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1963, p. 6.

Brother Filmed in NYC

A West German TV production company was on location in NYC to film a “typical” New York school, and they picked St. Thomas Apostle Grade School in Harlem. So, Brother Kevin (at lunchtime recess) creatively arranged the simultaneous sports of quoits (5th graders), shuffleboard (6th graders), handball (7th graders), and basketball (8th graders).

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 11.

New Stations for Narragansett

New outdoor stations of the cross have been erected on the LI-NE District’s novitiate property (Narragansett, RI).

Newsletter of LI-NE, May 31, 1963, p. 4.