By The Numbers: Schools

Here are some statistics regarding enrollments in the New York District at the start of the 1937-38 school year: Manhattan College (1,258); La Salle Academy, NYC (755); La Salle Institute, Troy (530); Christian Brothers Academy, Albany (490); De La Salle Collegiate, Detroit (440); and St. Joseph’s Coll. Inst., Buffalo (390).

DLS College, DC, Affiliated

In September 1937, De La Salle College (Washington, DC) functioned for the first time as a completely affiliated college of the Catholic University of America. A recent reorganization of the university’s College of Arts and Sciences provided for the affiliation of various religious seminaries and houses of studies in the District, and DLS College was one of those. Brother Eliseus Leonard (Brennan), the director of DLS, worked out the many details. Student Brothers from both the New York and the Baltimore districts live and study at DLS College.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), December 1937, p. 28

Brother Rogatian Featured

LocRogatien006Brother Rogatian, principal of Toronto’s De La Salle College, was the feature of a substantial article in the Toronto Daily Star of September 9, 1937.

File on newspaper clippings from Toronto District 1930-1964

9 Postulants Robed

On September 7, 1937, nine postulants received the robe of the Christian Brothers at Ammendale and thus began their novitiate year. Some of the names which older Baltimore District Brothers would recognize include Brothers Damian Luke (Sweeney), Firmus Aloysius (Connors), and Dabert Julian (Keiza). On the following day, nine novices professed their first vows and awaited either further training in the house of studies (De La Salle College) or immediate entry into teaching.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale), Winter 1938, p. 14.

Ladies’ Communion Breakfast

The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Christian Brothers (NY District) held their annual communion breakfast on Sunday, October 17, 1937, at the Hotel Pennsylvania in NYC. Mass was celebrated at St. Francis of Assisi Church (W. 31st St.), with the breakfast held at the grand ballroom of the hotel. Over 600 relatives and friends of the Christian Brothers attended. The guest speaker was Msgr. (later Bishop) Sheen of the Catholic University, who spoke eloquently on the three Marys of the Gospel.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), December 1937, p. 21.

Junior Novice Dies

One of the Junior Novices at Barrytown (NY), George Bayer (from St. Jerome’s parish in NYC) died suddenly during the evening of October 14-15, 1937.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), December 1937, p. 31.


St. John’s Attend Movie

The boys of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) attended a movie on the afternoon of November 13 entitled “Charge of the Light Brigade.”

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto/Uxbridge), p. 171.

Troy New York Property Acquired


A photograph of the newly acquired property by La Salle Institute (Troy, NY) appeared in the October 1937 issue of the Institute Bulletin. The name of the property, on which the school’s country day school is planned, was announced as “Notre Dame of the Immaculate Conception.” The excellent athletic facilities and the extensive parade ground and drill grounds were reasons for the purchase. The entire school will be relocated to this property someday.

The Little Messenger of the Divine Child, June 1937, p. 78. Institute Bulletin, October 1937, pp. 391-392.

Manhattan College at Staten Island Dedicated


The Little Messenger of the Divine Child (June 1937, p. 78) published this photo from the dedication of the Staten Island Branch of Manhattan College.

28 Receive Robes

On September 7, 1937, 28 young men received their robes at Barrytown (NY). Brother C. Edward of Manhattan College delivered a series of inspiring conferences during the spiritual retreat preceding the profession of vows by 22 novices.

The Little Messenger of the Divine Child, October 1937, p. 5.

St. John’s Goes to Jackson’s Point

On September 6, 1937, three large buses carried all of the boys and chaperones of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) for an outing at Jackson’s Point.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto/Uxbridge), p. 170.