Brother Ephrem New Novicemaster

Brother Ephrem New Novicemaster

Brother Ephrem New Novicemaster

Brother Ephrem Clementian (Brennan) became the new novicemaster for the Baltimore District in summer 1937. His former students at West Catholic (Philadelphia) recall a master teacher of English and religion, with sage advice and wisdom for all.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: In this undated photo, Brother Clementian is tutoring a youngster at Ocean Rest (the Brothers’ vacation home) in Ocean City, NJ.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), Winter 1938, pp 13-14.

Catholic University Scholars

On June 26, 1937, 525 students received diplomas for scholarly work from Catholic University. Among these were two doctoral degrees awarded to Christian Brothers, and 22 Brothers who received bachelor's degrees.

Catholic University Scholars

On June 26, 1937, 525 students received diplomas for scholarly work from Catholic University. Among these were two doctoral degrees awarded to Christian Brothers, and 22 Brothers who received bachelor’s degrees.

ARCHIVIST’S NOTE: The 22 bachelor’s recipients are pictured here.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1937, p. 7.

District Chapter in Ontario

The District Chapter of the Toronto District was held in Aurora, Ontario, in early June.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, p. 168.

Courses at De La Salle College D.C.

Prior to 1937, all of the student Brothers at De La Salle College (Washington, DC) were taking a curriculum which ended in a bachelor of arts degree. Beginning that year, however, those who wish to pursue a bachelor of science were allowed to do so. Also, after 1937 each student Brother was now permitted to major in whatever subject he chooses. After 1938, those majoring in science had to complete a four-year course in order to receive their degree, with two years at De La Salle College and two years at nearby Catholic University.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), Spring 1938, pp. 33-34.

New Labs for De La Salle College

In order to align itself with the standards of Catholic University, De La Salle College installed laboratories for the teaching of physics, chemistry, and biology. The intensive summer courses in these subjects would now be replaced by courses continuing throughout the academic year.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1937, p. 7.

Brother Sails to Europe

Brother Cornelius Luke who, since 1927, was director of the New York scholasticate in Pocantico Hills (NY) and, after 1930, director of the new De La Salle College (Washington, DC), sailed for Europe on July 30. He will make a “tertianship” [no explanation given] at the new Brothers’ motherhouse in Rome. On July 18 of the same year, Brother Eliseus Leonard (Brennan) became the new director of De La Salle College, where young Brothers of both the New York and Baltimore Districts pursue collegiate studies together.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), September 1937, p. 6.