Lasallian Youth Assembly 071314-04Philadelphia, PA – Lasallian Youth Summer Assembly began on July 13th at La Salle University in Philadelphia. Celebrating 20 years, “Here I am Lord” is the theme for this annual summer gathering. This theme was chosen to reflect the call of youth to be full participants in living the Kingdom of God. Underlying this week of faith, service and community will be the words of Brother Alvaro Rodriguez FSC, former Superior General, “you are called to be generation H- The Hope Generation, committed to building together a world that is more livable, more human and more welcoming.”

The week began with Mass celebrated on the University campus along with many of the Brother’s of the community, who also hosted a celebratory “cookout” style dinner. After dinner, students took to the campus lawn for ice breaker activities, and later for social time.

Highlights for the week will include a keynote presentation by Brother Charles Kitson, FSC, Auxiliary Visitor for DENA, a Vocation presentation by Brother Ed Shields, FSC, DENA’s Director for Contacts, and a presentation on service by Ms. Kathleen Glackin, Recruitment Coordinator for Lasallian Volunteers. Students will have the opportunity to visit the National Liberty Museum and will conclude their week with a grand Philly-style celebration at the Enterprise Center (the location of the famous American Bandstand)!

During the week, the students will participate in community service at several local sites. The service program has been coordinated by La Salle University’s Office of Campus Ministry.

This year’s Assembly will be one where we continue to live the call to be a District without borders as we welcome a delegation from Collegio San Giuseppe, Rome, Italy! The Assembly participants will also participate in a global Lasallian prayer service with participants using SKYPE to pray together as members of our global Lasallian family from Mexico, India, Canada, Italy and across the United States!


  • Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School – Brooklyn, NY
  • Calvert Hall College High School – Baltimore, MD
  • Christian Brothers Academy – Lincroft, NJ
  • Collegio San Giuseppe – Rome, Italy
  • De La Salle College “Oaklands” – Toronto, Canada
  • La Salle Academy – Providence, RI
  • Ocean Tides School – Narragansett, RI
  • Saint John’s College High School – Washington, DC
  • Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute – Buffalo, NY
  • Saint Mary Magdalene Parish – Queens, NY
  • Saint Peter’s Boys High School – Staten Island, NY
  • Saint Raymond High School for Boys – Bronx, NY
  • Saint Raphael Academy – Pawtucket, RI
  • West Catholic Preparatory High School – Philadelphia, PA (area host school)