5/31/12- Providence, RI – Thursday night, May 31, the night before the La Salle senior prom, a group of 15 La Salle students had the honor of attending another very special prom. It was the second year in a row that members of La Salle’s Best Buddies Club attended the prom for Meeting Street School, a school that creates an environment of inclusion for students with multiple and severe challenges.

Students from both schools arrived at the Roger Williams Casino to a red carpet entrance that led to a wonderful night of picture taking, eating, and dancing. Students danced the night away to songs ranging from Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” to Carly Rae Jepsen’s new hit “Call Me Maybe”.

La Salle’s Best Buddies members had been looking forward to this event all year as it had been their favorite last year. This year’s prom certainly did not disappoint, graduating senior Catherine Maloney states, “The Meeting Street Prom is definitely one of my favorite events of Best Buddies. All of the La Salle students who have participated in Best Buddies have developed some amazing friendships with the students of Meeting Street, and being able to get together with these students one last time before the summer and have so much fun with them is a great way to end the year.”lsa-best-buddies-prom

pictured: (back row) Andrew Estrada, Jon Estrada, Matt Kumeiga, Sarah Poor, Brian O’Reilly, Cat Conte, Ms. Maloney (moderator), (second row) Hannah Fuchs, Alyssa Jacavone, Ms. Frega (moderator), (front row) Gabby Naylor and Catherine Maloney