Stage Set

Philadelphia, PA  – The World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 and the City of Philadelphia today announced the International Mayors Forum, which is a new event being  added to the World Meeting of Families Congress. Co-sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and La Salle University, the International Mayors Forum will be held on Wednesday, September 23 at 6:00 p.m. at La Salle University’s Tom Gola Arena. For the Forum, Mayors representing diverse cities around the world will come together to discuss the ways in which government at the local level can help strengthen and sustain families through public policy and advocacy.

The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family, which is the co-sponsor of the 2015 World Meeting of Families with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, made this special request of Mayor Michael A. Nutter and the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 in an effort to expand the global conversation about family.  Seeking to examine how city governance, in the United States and around the world, can help to address the diverse issues facing families today, this panel will be an intimate 90-minute discussion of how good governance can positively affect families around the globe.

Those Mayors participating in the inaugural International Mayors Forum of the World Meeting of Families include:

  • Mayor José Antonio Gali Fayad, Puebla, Mexico
  • Mayor Mitchell J. Landrieu, City of New Orleans
  • Mayor Ignazio Marino, Rome, Italy
  • Mayor Michael A. Nutter, City of Philadelphia

Additional participating Mayors, as well as the moderator of the panel discussion, will be forthcoming in the next two weeks.

“Pope Francis has spurred positive dialogue about family across diverse faith traditions – and across borders,” said Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015. “The International Mayors Forum will not only add to an already spectacular week leading up to the Holy Father’s arrival in Philadelphia, but it will also continue the important discussion of family, showcasing the great work our city leaders do to keep families growing strong worldwide. It is an honor to join with Mayor Nutter, PwC and La Salle University to host this first-of-its-kind event for the World Meeting of Families.”

“The first conversations surrounding this event occurred on our first trip to Rome, when I was honored to have been asked by The Pontifical Council for the Family to assist in curating this Forum,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter, City of Philadelphia. “Almost eighteen months later, I am excited to welcome these influential and thoughtful leaders to Philadelphia for this special event. As I have often shared, I believe the family is the cornerstone of our society, and families thrive most when supported well by its government, especially its local government. The panel coming together shares that perspective and I am honored to have them help launch this important event.”

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