On Friday December 6, 2019, Brothers Daniel Aubin and Thomas Zoppo had the opportunity to attend the Lumen Christi Gala hosted by the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. As you may remember, Br. Daniel is the President of St. John Paul II Academy in Boca Raton and Br. Thomas was recently appointed Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Cardinal Newman High School in West Palm Beach. The Brothers joined Bishop Gerald Barbarito to raise funds for scholarships and to recognize the wonderful stories and people who are the heart of our Catholic schools. The Diocese of Palm Beach has a longstanding tradition of honoring and recognizing excellence and distinguished service in Catholic school education, including Ms. Ann Frearson from Cardinal Newman High and Deacon Sam Barbaro of St. John Paul II. Congrats to the honorees and blessings on the work our Brothers are doing in Florida.
- Ms. Ann Frearson
- Deacon Sam Barbaro