The 2016-2017 Lasallian Volunteers (LVs) gathered together for the annual Midyear Retreat January 13-16. “One Call, Many Voices” was the theme for the retreat, which mirrors the Lasallian theme for the 2016-2017 liturgical year. The gathering was held at Point O’Pines in upstate New York where the LVs reflected on how community has impacted their discernment and how this year of faith, service and community has shaped their vocations.

Second-year LV Heather Marsh, who is serving at San Miguel Tulsa as a reading teacher, said, “Midyear helped me prepare for the future, putting to rest some fears and helped me look forward to what’s coming in the future – whether that’s the rest of my service year or beyond.”

The Midyear Retreat was co-facilitated by Kevin Regan, a counselor at The San Miguel School of Providence in Providence, Rhode Island, and Chris Trinidad a religious studies instructor and campus minister at De La Salle High School in Concord, California. Brothers Brian Henderson (DENA), Ed Phelan (DENA), Francis Eells (DENA), Ralph Bucci (DENA), James Martino (DENA) and Jack Henderson (SFNO) accompanied the LVs on their weekend journey.

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