The top international story from the Lasallian world of 1937 concerned the severe hardships endured by the Brothers and their students during the tragic Spanish Civil War. As reported by a Legacy New York District publication of June 1937.

District of Barcelona

This is the most devastated of the three Spanish districts, with 31 out of the 32 communities plundered at the hands of the Communists and a great number burned. In addition, the 10 communities which were in this territory but which belonged to the District of Benziers (France) have suffered the same fate. Of the 357 Brothers of the District of Barcelona working in the apostolate, 90 have been shot, 163 are scattered (of whom 30 are in prison), and nearly 80 are missing. Only 6 are employed in a relatively safe place.

District of Madrid

Of the 33 communities, 19 have been pillaged and two burned (at Cadiz); 14 are functioning normally. Of the 315 Brothers working in the apostolate, 40 have been shot, 150 are scattered (of whom 40 are jailed), and 125 are employed in safe territory.

District of Valladolid

Of the 45 communities, 26 are functioning normally, 19 have been pillaged, and 1 burned. In addition to the 8 Brothers massacred earlier at Turon in 1931, other losses have developed. Of the 425 Brothers working in the apostolate, 9 have been shot, 100 are scattered abroad, and 316 are employed in safe places.

Bulletin o f the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown), June 1937, p. 62.