Brother Eliphus Victor Dies

Brother Elphius Victor

Brother Elphius Victor

A truly significant Brother in the history of the American Christian Brothers died on March 31.

He was Brother Eliphus Victor (Sullivan), a talented teacher and administrator. Appointed as the Provincial (Visitor) of the sprawling New York District (1935-1946), his leadership caught the eye of the Superiors and he was chosen to serve as one of the Assistant Superiors General (1946-1961).

Brother Victor’s responsibility was the six districts (and missions) of the United States. He carried out his duties faithfully, and defended the American point of view at the Generalate (headquarters) in Rome.

Brother Eliphus Victor

Brother Elphius Victor

As Brother David Peter (Ryan) noted, Brother Victor was an interesting combination of “warrior and defender, father and administrator, world traveler and provincial New Yorker, traditionalist and progressive, and, above all, virile religious—all wrapped in one package.”

Eliphus Victor mass cardNewsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1962, p. 7; and also LI-NE District Newsletter, April 15, 1962, p. 1; and also the Institute Bulletin, July 1962, pp. 154-156,