De La Salle’s Relics and Remains Transferred


75 years ago marks the transfer of the remains of St. John Baptist de La Salle from the former Motherhouse (aka headquarters) of the Institute in Lembecq, Belgium (since 1906) to the newly opened Motherhouse in Rome, on the Via Aurelia.

This was accomplished beginning on January 16, 1937, with stops and venerations in several cities along the way. Major stops included Brussels (Belgium), Chiasso (on the Italian frontier), Milan, Vercelli, Biella, Rivalta, Grugliasco, Turin, Genoa, Viareggio and finally to Rome, where they can be seen today.

On January 25, the relics were finally placed in the repository on the altar which had been erected to his memory in the sprawling Motherhouse.

De La Salle’s chair (pictured at left), along with other relics, arrived late December just a month prior.

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De La Salle’s Relics and Remains travel from Belgium to Rome, making several stops along the way.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale, MD), December 1936, pp. 39-42.