Historic Baltimore District

queen-elizabeth-shipBrother Sails to Rome

Brother Frederician John (Mulhern), Baltimore District administrator and later the Archivist of the entire Institute, sailed to Europe and his assignment to the Second Novitiate (Rome) on the Queen Elizabeth on July 6.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 3.

PA Governor Presides Over La Salle Commencement

Governor David L. Lawrence, former Mayor of Pittsburgh and a friend of the Christian Brothers in Pittsburgh, will preside at the Commencement of La Salle College on June 6. 28 Student Brothers are scheduled to receive their Bachelor Degrees and another 17 will receive their Master’s. A grand total of 590 undergrads will receive their degrees.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1961, p. 1

Bishop John Russell at O’Connell Commencement

Bishop John Russell of Richmond, a former student of Calvert Hall (Baltimore), will preside at the Commencement ceremony at Bishop O’Connell HS (Arlington, VA) on June 9.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1961, p. 1.

Bishop Hannan at St. John’s Commencement

Bishop Philip Hannan, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington and a graduate of St. John’s, will preside at the Commencement of his Alma Mater on June 5; 194 are scheduled to graduate.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1961, p. 1.

New Mexico Retreat Construction

Construction on a new $290,000 retreat house at Sangre de Cristo (NM) is underway. his center would in time become the site of so many renewal programs for the Brothers (and their associates) of the USA and beyond.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1961, p. 2.

57 Postulants Arrive at Ammendale

A huge class of 57 young men are expected to arrive at Ammendale to begin their studies as Postulants (the step before the Novitiate) on June 15.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, May 1961, p. 3.

Brother Dathus Michael Passes

Brother Dathus Michael (King) died on August 26. His tour of duty centered upon dependent boys at the Protectory (now St. Gabriel’s Hall), Eddington, and Belmead (VA). Then, for nearly three decades, Brother Michael had the rather thankless task of being the econome (supervisor of the kitchen and purchasing) at Ammendale. “He bore patiently and smilingly both the pointed jest and the even more pointed complaint,” noted his necrology. Brother Michael was nicknamed “Stoney Mike” by several generations of Brothers because, on orders from the Director of the Philadelphia Protectory (now St. Gabriel’s Hall), he substituted a heavy red jelly for butter, as a cost-cutting measure. He was the last Brother of the Baltimore District to take serving Brothers’ vows, and was the last Brother to be assigned to St. Emma’s, the school for African-Americans at Belmead.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 1, and also his personnel file in the Baltimore District Archives.

Improvements at Ocean Rest

At Ocean Rest this summer, improvements included donations made by the Scholastics to the sanctuary; by the Philadelphia Protectory (laundering the bedspreads, new trash barrels, and the loan of a chapel organ); and by the Community at La Salle HS in Cumberland (a new washing machine for clothes).

Brother Has Quite a Memory

Brother Edward Luke (McCusker) died on July 7, 1961. “His alert, bouncy step carried him into every type of apostolate in our District; and his vise of a memory held onto every droll incident and mannerism,” according to Brother Patrick Ellis’ necrology. Brother Luke is especially remembered for his teaching of English at La Salle College (Philadelphia) and for co-founding the remedial English department at West Catholic (Philadelphia).

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 1, and also his personnel file in the Baltimore District Archives.

ROTC at La Salle Featured in French Bulletin

The July 1961 issue of the Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes contained a four-paragraph French-language article about the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program at La Salle College, Philadelphia. Included was a photograph of Brother Daniel Bernian (President of La Salle College) reviewing the “The President’s Guard,” the elite unit for the best of La Salle’s military students. The same publication had a five-paragraph French-language article on the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the Christian Brothers in the Philippines.

Bulletin des Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes pp 108-109

Brother Ephrem Clementian Passes

Brother Ephrem Clementian (Brennan) died on August 25. As an esteemed teacher at West Catholic (Philadelphia), Brother Clementian helped influence over fifty students toward the priesthood and an untold number toward religious life. He subsequently became the Director of Novices at Ammendale (1937-1942). At La Salle College (1947-1961), he was a beloved teacher of English and Theology and was known for religious counseling and special tutoring. Countless Baltimore Brothers remember him for his spiritual direction of so many 30-day retreats.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 2, and also his personnel file in the Baltimore District Archives.

Brother Godwin John Passes

Br. Godwin John (Condon), a native of Jersey City, passed away on August 14. According to his necrology, Brother John “was a natural-born teacher who loved and was loved by his students even though he taught Latin and Geometry, subjects rarely on top of the students’ hit parade.” He taught in numerous schools, the longest stint of which was at La Salle High. One of his siblings was Brother Gervald John (Condon).

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 3, and also his personnel file in the Baltimore District Archives.

Calvert Hall Football Field Sod

The new sod on the football field at Calvert Hall (Towson, MD) is the gift of Mr. James Keelty, an Affiliated (honorary) Christian Brother and Calvert Hall alum.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961.

50th Anniversaries Celebrated

Celebrating their 50th anniversaries on August 6 were Brothers Edward John (Allgeier), the longtime bursar of La Salle College, and also Brother Eliseus Leonard (Brennan) who was well known to the Student Brothers of De La Salle College (Washington) for many years, and later, at the Elkins Park house of studies.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, September 1961, p. 3.

Historic LI-NE (Long Island-New England) District

New Mater Christi HS to Open

By mid-August, the school and administration wings and also the residences of the Brothers and of the Sisters at the new Mater Christi HS should be ready. The school will open on September 18.

LI-NE District Newsletter, March 15, 1961, p. 2.

Cyril Honored by Pageant of Literature

The editors of The Pageant of Literature series have written to the Provincial of the LI-NE District to express their great satisfaction with Brother Antony Cyril’s contribution to their series. Brother Cyril collected and edited the selections in the volume entitled Modern American Prose. They have asked Brother Cyril to edit the tenth and eleventh year teachers’ manuals for the series which is now used in nearly 500 Catholic high schools in the USA.

LI-NE District Newsletter, October 15, 1961, p. 2.

Leadership Updates

Several leadership changes were announced for 1961-1962. First, Br. Antony Joseph has been named as the Acting Visitor for LI-NE during the absence of Brother Visitor in Africa and Rome. Second, Br. Bartholomew Lewis will be the new Director General at Narrangansett. Third, new Directors include Br. Chrysostom Patrick (La Salle Academy, Providence); Br. Ansbert Edward (Mater Christi HS, Queens); and Br. Azarius Raphael

(St. Augustine HS, Brooklyn). LINE District Newsletter, May 15, 1961, p. 1

Missile Commander’s Brother to Speak

The brother of Brother Berard, Major Daniel O’Connor, U.S.A., of the Caribbean Missile Command, will be the main speaker at La Salle Military Academy (Oakdale) this June.

LINE District Newsletter, May 15, 1961, p. 6.

Historic New York District

CBA Syracuse Under Construction; Last Willow Street Graduation

The new school building and the new Brothers’ house at CBA (Syracuse) are still under construction. It was hoped that the new gym would be ready to host the last graduation of the Willow Street (downtown) school in June, but spring rains have delayed the completion of the gym’s parking lot.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1961, p. 2 and also June 1, 1961, p. 18

Buffalo House Groundbreaking Coming Up

It is hoped that the groundbreaking for the new Brothers’ house at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute will take place this summer.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1961, p. 3

DLS College Wing Opening Scheduled

Groundbreaking for the new wing at the De La Salle College house of studies (Washington) is scheduled for June 4, and construction will begin in August.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1961, p. 2

CBA Construction Updates

New constructions, which are scheduled for completion in September, include the new Christian Brothers Academy (school, FSC house, gym) in suburban Syracuse (DeWitt, NY). The school and the Brothers’ house, and possibly the gym, will be ready at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft (NJ) in September.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1961, p. 2

Second Auxiliary Provincial

Effective July 1, Brother Conall Alfred becomes the second Auxiliary Provincial of the New York District.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1961, p. 1

CBA Syracuse Brothers to Move

Several Brothers are slated to move into the new residence in suburban Syracuse on July 1.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1961, p. 18

Cuban and American Brothers in Miami

Three American Brothers have joined the Cuban Christian Brothers in opening a school in Miami: Brothers Cyril of Mary (New York), Brother Alfred James (Providence), and a third Brother from Nicaragua. Brother Conall Alfred, Auxiliary Visitor, is temporarily helping the active scene in Miami.

New York Newsletter, October 1, 1961, p. 1.

Barnabas House Open

At Lincoln Hall, the third boarding house for selected residents (Barnabas House, named for the famed New York District educator, Brother Barnabas [McDonald]), opened in Queens.

New York Newsletter, November 1961, p. 13.

DLS College New Wing Construction

Construction on the new wing of De La Salle College (Washington) is scheduled to begin in August, with completion by September 1962.

New York Newsletter, May 1, 1961 p. 3 and also June 1, 1961, p. 2

New Brothers’ Residence, August

The new Brothers’ residence at Christian Brothers Academy (Lincroft) is scheduled for occupancy in August.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1961, p. 16.

Spellman Renovations Soon Complete

It is hoped that the classroom wing of the new Cardinal Spellman HS and also the new Brothers’ residence there will be completed in August.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1961, p. 19.

La Salle Academy Brothers’ Renovations

The Brothers returning from the summer to La Salle Academy (2nd Street NY) found a completely renovated common room, a reorganized community library, and a virtually-new kitchen.

New York Newsletter, October 1, 1961, p. 2.

Historic Toronto District

St. John’s Boys Display Gymnastics Skills

On August 16, the boys of St. John’s Training School gave a demonstration of their gymnastic skills, attained after only six weeks of training, to George Wardrope (Minister of Reform Institutions) and with several hundred people gathered on the spacious lawns of the school. In the shop buildings was a grand exhibition of printing, tailoring, shoemaking, and carpentry done by the boys during the summer. Along the corridors of the school were arranged hundreds of drawings for all to see.

Annals of the St. John’s Training School, p. 362.

Summer Programming at St. John’s

On July 4, the summer programme [sic] was put into operation at St. John’s Training School in Uxbridge, with school workshops, gymnastics, art work, and swimming. A display is planned for the end of the programme in mid-August.

Annals of the St. John’s Training School (Uxbridge), p. 360.

DLS Drum Corps to St. John’s

On July 9, the De La Salle Drum Corps of Toronto, the runners-up in the Canadian Junior Drum Corps competition and directed by Brother Xavier, will make a visit to St. John’s Training School.

Annals of the St. John’s Training School, p. 360

St. John’s Pool Opens with a Swim

On June 10, the pool at St. John’s Training School was officially opened when the Juniors took a group swim. On June 28 the boys began going in groups of about 25 to the Brothers’ island at Lake Simcoe for several days. By July 21, all the boys will have spent vacation time at the island.

Annals of the St. John’s Training School (Uxbridge), p. 360