Historic Baltimore District

Card Party at La Salle College

La Salle College hosted its annual Card Party and dance on May 15, and the result was a huge success.

Chronicle of the Christian Brothers at La Salle (Phila.), p. 15.

Annual Retreat at La Salle College High

On May 18-20, Rev. Robert Grogan, C.M., gave the annual retreat to the Seniors of both La Salle College High School and of La Salle College.

Chronicle of the Christian Brothers at La Salle (Phila.), p. 15.

Freshman Hop at La Salle College

The last social event of the year for La Salle College, the annual Freshman Hop, was held on May 22 at the New Aronimink Country Club.

La Salle Collegian, May 22, 1936, p. 1

Big Founder’s Day at La Salle College

The entire student body of La Salle College participated in the annual Founder’s Day exercises on May 13 (two days prior to the actual feast day). Featured were six speeches, four of them by collegiate students who addressed their peers regarding pertinent themes touching on commerce and sociology.

La Salle Collegian, May 22, 1936, pp. 1 and 3

VP Dedicated by Yearbook

The 1936 yearbook of West Phila. Catholic HS for Boys was dedicated to the highly respected Vice-Principal, Brother Felinian Thomas (Lambert). During his ten years at West he gave the name of a saint to each of the various corridors of the school, and placed a statue of that saint there. He also started the custom of having the band pray before the Sacred Heart statue in the school yard before each public appearance.

1936 “Blue and White:, and also “Lives of the Brothers of the Baltimore District,” by Bro. Gerardus Anthony (Kent).

Brother Art Professor Offers New Color Box

Brother Cornelius, a Baltimore District Brother who became a professor of art at St. Mary’s College in California, announces a new color-box for artists whereby painters are enabled to choose proper color combinations in an instant.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, p. 63.

west-catholicA West Catholic Founder, Bishop McCort, Passes

Bishop John J. McCort (who attended a Brothers’ school) of the diocese of Altoona (PA) died on April 21. In 1912, Fr. McCort (who was taught by the Brothers at St. Michael’s Grade School, presumably La Salle High, and a year at La Salle College) became the pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish and was instrumental in the founding of West Philadelphia Catholic HS in 1916 (the Brothers would arrive there ten years later).

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, pp. 62-63.

St. Thomas Alumnus Made Bishop

Monsignor Martin O’Connor, an alumnus of St. Thomas College in Scranton and rector of the Cathedral there, has been raised to the rank of Bishop.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 48.

Brother Timothy 50th Jubilee

On March 19, Brother Flamian Timothy (Moore) celebrated 50 years as a Christian Brother at St. Francis Vocational School (Eddington, PA). He had been the Principal and Community Director at many Baltimore District schools.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 60.

New Rector at Catholic U Taught by Brothers

Recently Monsignor Joseph Corrigan, rector of St. Charles Seminary (Phila.) was named as the new rector of Catholic University of America. Monsignor Corrigan was taught by the Brothers at Cathedral Parish (Phila.) and at La Salle.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 65.

La Salle Explorers Basketball Champs in Philly

The Explorers of La Salle College High School won Philadelphia’s Catholic League championship in basketball.

Chronicle of the Christian Brothers of La Salle (Phila.), p. 15

Brother Tailor Dies

Brother Eulogius Lewis (Devlin) died on April 25, after injuries sustained from being hit by a car on U.S. 1, near Ammendale. For nearly four decades, he sewed the robes for the Brothers of the Baltimore District at Ammendale.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 61.

Manchester Brothers 50 Years

The 50th anniversary of the Christian Brothers’ presence in Manchester (NH) was celebrated in a recent Alumni Communion Breakfast. In 1886, Bishop Bradley invited the Brothers to the city where they conducted St. Joseph’s Grade School and High School. One priest-alum stated that the history of the Brothers in Manchester can be summarized in one word: loyalty.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, pp. 57-58.

Winter Recreation at Barrytown

Skiing, tobogganing, and skating offered much wintry recreation at Barrytown this season. “The Novices constructed a quarter-mile slide, which for thrills and curves and dips and spills and all-around red-blooded fun, easily rivals Lake Placid, Bear Mountain, and North Creek put together.”

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin, March 1936, p. 46.

Historic New York District

50 Years for Brother Nicholas

On May 15 the friends of Brother Nicholas [no other name is given] gathered at St. Patrick’s Home in Halifax (Nova Scotia) to celebrate his 50 years as a Christian Brother. Brother Nicholas was originally a member of the Baltimore District but for most of his years has been a member of the New York District.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 60.

50 years in Manchester (NH)

On May 3, a tribute was paid to the Christian Brothers for having completed 50 years of educational service in Manchester (NH). 600 persons attended a special Mass in the Cathedral, with a breakfast following; the local bishop attended and praised the Brothers for their dedication.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, pp. 60-61.

barrytownBarrytown Celebrates
St. La Salle

The Novices and Junior Novices of Barrytown celebrated May 15 (the traditional feast day of St. La Salle) in grand style. A beautifully sung Mass started the day for the entire household, and the Junior Novices staged a wide range of track and field events during the day.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), June 1936), p. 64.

DLS Newport Basketball Champs—Best Sportsmen

At the New England States Basketball Tournament, De La Salle Academy (Newport, RI) attained not only the championship but also won the vote of the tournament coaches for the team showing the best sportsmanship.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 65.

New Motherhouse in Rome

The new international Motherhouse of the Christian Brothers is being built in the northwest section of Rome, about a forty minute’s walk from St. Peter’s Basilica. Its location is described, at that time, as being “in the open country….it offers all the advantanges conducive to health and contemplation.”

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1936, p. 45.

St. Patrick’s Day at Barrytown

St. Patrick’s Day takes on a celebratory air at the Barrytown Novitiate each year. “From High Mass in the morning till the end of the program of Irish music and songs at night, the celebration of the feast of this great Saint is one round of real, true, Irish piety and joy.”

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1936, p. 46.

St. Joseph’s Day at Barrytown

Similarly, St. Joseph’s Day (March 19) at Barrytown offers much to remember. “A High Mass…and a solemn procession in the morning; general recreation in the afternoon; and a ‘gaudeamus’ in the evening…left nothing to be desired in the way of wholesome recreation.”

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1936, p. 46.

Missionary Exhibition Held

La Salle Academy (Providence) held a huge mission exhibit known as the Rhode Island Tercentenary Mission Exposition. Brother Aquinas Thomas, one of the school’s teachers, coordinated the 31 exhibits in the auditorium whereby students received information from priests, Brothers, and Sisters all engaged in missionary activities.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, p. 55-56 and 59. 

NCEA Held at Waldorf

The National Catholic Educational Association of America will hold its national convention at the Waldorf Hotel in New York City on April 13-16. Prominent representatives at all levels of schools, including Christian Brothers, will be in attendance. Brother Philip of the Baltimore District was elected as a vice-president of the NCEA.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, pp. 48 and 63-64.

Annual Card Party Held

The various committees are at work at the Barrytown Juniorate and elsewhere for the annual Card Party (fundraiser), attended by the mothers and friends of the Junior Novices and scheduled for April 26 at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1936, p. 48.

Public Speaking Contest Held

The public speaking contest at the Junior Novitiate was scheduled for March 20. A representative from the Juniorate will be chosen for the finals at Manhattan College on March 27.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), March 1936, p 48.

Catholic Social Science at Manhattan College

Manhattan College concluded a five-part series of lectures on Catholic social science and philosophy; each talk was given by a member of the Catholic Action Committee of the Manhattan College Alumni Society.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, p. 63.

Remarkable Brother Passes

Brother Cornelius Malachy (Hession) died in New York on April 29; he was only 44 years old. A native of Waltham (MA), Brother Malachy had been the former Director of the Scholasticate (Pocantico Hills), the President of Manhattan College (1927-1932), and became Provincial of the New York District (1932-1935) until resigning last year due to health.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Ammendale), March 1936, p. 62 and St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, pp 51 and 62.

Brother Constantin Gabriel Dies

Brother Constantin Gabriel, a native Frenchman and a teacher in various schools in the New York District—notably Lincolndale—died on April 6.

St. La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Barrytown), June 1936, p. 54.

Historic Toronto District

Moose River Mine Disaster on the Radio

moose-riverThe boys at St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) are greatly interested in hearing the radio broadcasts on April 20 regarding the Moose River mine disaster.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School, p. 161.

14,000+ Brothers

Statistics released from the Institute show that there are 900 community houses of Christian Brothers in the world, with a teaching personnel of over 14,000 Brothers. The countries having the greatest number of houses of Brothers are Belgium (100), United States (88), Canada (75), and Italy (34). The cities of the world with the largest number of Lasallian schools are Montreal (19), New York (13), Quebec City (10), Rome (8), Brussels and Vienna (6 each).

St. De La Salle Auxiliary Bulletin (Aurora, Ont.), March 1936, p. 22

Brother Celsus Returns from Hospital

On March 1, Brother Celsus returned to the house (probably De La Salle College, Toronto) from St. Michael’s Hospital.

Annals of the Brothers in the Toronto area, p. 181.

Suits and Cloth Stolen

During the night of March 19-20, the tailor shop of St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto) was broken into and a quantity of cloth and some suits were taken.

Annals of St. John’s Industrial School, p. 160.

Cyril and Urban Visit

On May 27, Brothers Cyril (Director) and Urban (Provincial, Toronto District) attended the physical training demonstration at the Bowmanville Training School.

Annals of the St. John’s Industrial School (Toronto), p. 161.