Young Scholars Immersion Program continues!

Manhattan College

3/20/12 – Riverdale, NY – The Teagle Foundation’s board of directors recently approved a $270,000 grant to Manhattan College and the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) to continue their joint Young Scholars Immersion Program. The Teagle Foundation, a national advocate of change in higher education through undergraduate opportunities in the arts and sciences, is supplying the grant through its College-Community Connections program.

The grant will fund the Young Scholars Immersion Program, a partnership coordinated by Manhattan College and KHCC, that provides year-round personal mentoring and enrichment opportunities to motivated, disadvantaged students in the community, encouraging them to work toward college. Now in its fourth year, the program has expanded to include on-campus visits for high school students, writing and study workshops at KHCC, as well as constant support from trained student tutors at the College’s Center for Academic Success available through email, social media and Skype.

In addition, students in 10th grade and above can earn an invitation to apply for the Summer Literacy Institute, an on-campus clinic where students live in university dorms, attend simulated university-level classes, take exams and learn about university social and learning environments.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to further integrate our collaborative partnership, help Bronx youth to envision themselves as college students, and provide access to the skills for success,” said authors of the grant proposal Daniel Collins, Ph.D., associate professor of English at Manhattan, and Neill Bogan, director of development at KHCC.

With the reception of the new three-year grant, it is expected that 50 students will take part in the full program annually, and a cohort of 30 students will attend the Summer Literacy Institute at Manhattan College.