Riverdale, NY – Brothers Ed Shields and Ralph Bucci sponsored a morning of prayer and sharing with students at Manhattan College on Saturday, January 25 from 9 am – 12:30 pm.

Ed has been meeting with students on campus and worked with Ralph to organize this event. They started with a clay experience that Ralph developed some years ago to initiate reflection and sharing on one’s personal and spiritual growth. It begins with two simple exercises, the second of which is done with closed eyes and developing a conversation with the clay. Discussion ensures to pursue the metaphor experiences between the clay experience with the process of one’s personal/spiritual growth. After the 40 minute experience/discussion, the group read a series of gospel passages that investigated how gospel characters listened to and responded to God’s coming into their lives. Discussion reflected on how God is active in our lives and how we grow in hearing God’s word and how we progressively expand our hearts to respond more faithfully in our unique life experiences.

Thanks to these Brothers for their effort in addressing the second goal of the B in BASE. “To Broaden our sphere of influence by inviting and engaging college aged men in the vocation discernment process.”