Learn more about the I-4 Conference

Riverdale, NY – On Saturday, March 30, 2019, Manhattan College and the Maxine Greene Institute will co-sponsor the fifth annual Imagination, Inquiry and Innovation Institute (I-4). The theme of the 2019 event is “Look Again: The Art of Multiple Perspectives.”

The institute’s goal is to bring together innovative thinkers and practitioners who exemplify outstanding practice. This is an opportunity for presenters to share innovative work in a broad range of fields: fine and performing arts, media and communication specialists, humanities, education, sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, health care, and business. As experts in their fields, presenters will offer topics to address the interests of diverse communities. What all have in common is the capacity to use imagination to birth new ideas and to stimulate curiosity, leading to inquiry and innovation.

Anticipated attendees are educators, visual and performing artists, media and communication specialists, medical and health care professionals, members of the business, technology, engineering and science communities, and Manhattan College students and alumni.

The I-4 Conference is currently accepting requests for presentations. Proposals are due by December 21, 2018, and determination of accepted proposals will be made by January 18, 2019. To submit a presentation, or for more information about the conference, please contact Ruth Zealand, Ph.D., professor of education, at i-4@manhattan.edu.

To learn more about the I-4 Conference and proposals for presentations, visit Manhattan.edu >