May 18, 2020
A picture is worth a thousand words! Yes, this is a photo from this weekend of Charlie. In sending the photo, Robert Bimonte has added that Charlie “is now in the hospital’s respiratory rehab unit and is doing very well. He is aware and alert and speaking.” [As Charlie continues his progress, we will now intend to send only one update (on Monday’s) per week.] Prayers to continue, please!
- Sharing Our Own Reflections. During this extended uncertain time, we continue to invite any among us who would like, to share some of your own insights, reflections and/or inspirations. It could be what you are doing during this crisis or perhaps what this crisis is doing to you. Thank you, Chris Lackey, for this outstanding reflection. And thank you for being on the front-line serving as a Lasallian Volunteer at LaSalle School, Albany these months.
- Prayer Service. We are happy to share a simple Prayer Service, for the upcoming Solemnity of the Ascension.
- Chefcast. What better way to get our minds off COVID than food! And last Monday, Carl Malacalza did a great job launching our weekly series: Chefcast. Today we thank Chef Ed Hofmann for inviting us to Create-A-Soup. We have two more chefs in the queue, but we welcome other talented chefs and bakers to volunteer. Just contact Non-Chef Dennis to volunteer!
- Inspirational Song. Many of us are finding music to soothe, heal and inspire us during these challenging times. This classic song, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, has been combined with pertinent, current photos that might inspire you.
- Springtide Research Institute. Many of us recall the not-so-long-ago research out of Saint Mary’s Press, “Going, Going, Gone” about the number of young people feeling disassociated from the Church. Under the leadership of John Vitek, the Springtide Research Institute (a new Lasallian ministry) continues to research the needs of young people. And it is so currently timely and valuable! For instance, 1/3 of young adults (age 18-25) live alone and 60% report feeling “very isolated” during this time of social distancing. The research of 13-25-year-olds reports that meaningful adult relationships are critical to a young person’s well-being. Just one caring adult in the life of a young person can reduce their feeling of loneliness by 50%. How might we be attentive to young teenagers and young adults during this COVID moment?? Springtide has a robust website with testimony and studies.
Please stay safe. Stay at home. Stay mindful of others. Stay amazing.
Richard Galvin Lawrence Goyette Dennis Lee