May 4, 2020

We begin with an update on Charlie Barbush. He is now COVID free! As such, the next step is to move him to a rehab facility when the doctors deem him ready. Given all that he has been through, Charlie would likely be in rehab for an extended period of time. Let us continue the praying.

After a beautiful weekend of weather, here are our latest points for your consideration.

  • Dealing with COVID-19 (Part 5). This week, we share this article from yesterday’s New York Times, highlighting how three elders are coping well through this pandemic. Thanks, Robert Wickman, for suggesting this upbeat article.
  • Sharing Our Own Reflections. During this extended uncertain time, we continue to invite any among us who would like, to share some of your own insights, reflections and/or inspirations. It could be what you are doing during this crisis or perhaps what this crisis is doing to you. Thank you, Thomas Casey for this excellent reflection.
  • Prayer Service. Our Lars has done it again. Here is a very appropriate and beautiful prayer service for use in this month of May.
  • Relaxation Meditation. Ralph Bucci will lead a virtual relaxation-meditation experience of some 35 minutes this Wednesday evening, May 6 at 7:00pm (EDT). It is an opportunity to practice quieting the mind and body, to de-stress, and to alleviate anxiety. This should result in a sense of peace that many of us wish was more prevalent these days. This quiet, self-presence can be associated with centering prayer and a version of contemplative prayer, which we can pursue on another occasion. (The experience could additionally be scheduled for a community at another time if it wishes.) This zoom meeting can be accessed here.  Meeting ID: 723 3446 7333. Password: 8YVSPY. (For the sake of the other participants, please be on time.)
  • Book Circle. John McMahon is looking for eight Brothers looking to expand their horizon during this COVID time. It is a Book Circle (BC), not a Book Club. “We think of the book circle as ‘group’ spiritual direction. We are not interested in debate, only a chance for clarification and sharing of what is happening within as we read. We are there to support one another and to listen to one another. We read the book together and stop when we need to, for clarification and sharing, either by the facilitator or by a participant. We read ten or so pages ahead during the week and then prayerfully re-read those pages alone again ASAP after the session with our new insights in mind. Our first BC book is Richard Rohr’s “The Universal Christ,” which can be purchased in paperback through Amazon. (There is also an Amazon book summary, if you need to check out the book before you make your decision.) The BC will meet (remotely) for the first time this Thursday, May 7 at 2 pm (and you do not need to purchase the book in advance of this meeting). To reserve a spot among the BC8, or to get further information, call John.”

We are continuing to send a message each Monday. If there is anything that you would like us to attend to, please let us know. And we welcome your contributions on any and all topics.

Please stay safe. Stay at home. Stay mindful of others. Stay amazing.


Richard Galvin    Lawrence Goyette    Dennis Lee