Br. Michael Andrejko, FSC
Director of Contacts
District of Eastern North America
“So when did you realize that you wanted to become a Christian Brother?” This is a question that has so oftentimes been asked over and over again during my life with the Christians Brothers. The simple answer is that the Christians Brothers were my teachers in high school and I can remember as a teenager wanting to be just like them. The cause for much reflection these days, is the reasons that I joined the Brothers are not the reasons I stay a Brother today.
It truly has been a journey having many twists and turns over the past twenty-nine years. It has taken me to places meeting people and engaging in ministry where I could never have imagined going when I said “of my free and unconstrained will, I seek to be admitted to the Brothers of the Christian Schools.” I don’t think I even knew what my “unconstrained will” meant at that time. When you ask most Brothers why they joined, they will often say “to teach” as most would expect. However, where, to whom, in what capacity were all unknown areas. Where most of my own personal growth has taken place is in being with people and persons with whom I would never had the opportunity to get know A) if I wasn’t a brother and B) didn’t say “yes” to “I will go there and give it a shot.”
So, teaching students and being an administrator over these years has given me the privilege to walk with people from so many different backgrounds, by bringing me to places I never imagined and doing things I would never have done had I not had the guidance and example of so many men and women who have challenged me to be a better person, a better brother. In our vow formula, the Brothers say “I consecrate myself entire to you Lord, God to procure your glory as far as I am able and as much as you will require of me. . .” Truly the Brothers, students, lay men, and women whom I have had the good pleasure to know in six different institutions in the Eastern United States and the Holy Land at Bethlehem University, have truly consecrated, have taught me, what being a true Christian Brother requires.

Br. Michael at the baptismal site of Jesus on the Jordan River, while serving at Bethlehem University.
It is so paradoxical and Biblical that the teacher becomes the one who is taught. So, my next step in accompanying young college aged men, who are seriously considering our life, will have its new challenges especially in light of the current milieu in our society and in our church. The one thing I am certain is it will be the strength of so many others and my relationship with them will make the journey all worthwhile. And, yes, dear Lord, some may choose this great way of life!
More about Brother Michael…
Brother Michael began his administration career in 2000, when he served for seven years as academic vice principal at West Catholic High School, Philadelphia, PA.
During six of these years he served on the board of directors at St. John’s College High School. He has also served the Christian Brothers’ Province as a District Chapter delegate, District Council member, and as a member of the District Apostolate Committee.
Brother Michael Andrejko, FSC, graduated from Central Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1986. He received a BS from La Salle University in Business Administration/Accounting, a certificate in Secondary School Education (Business Education) from Gwynedd-Mercy College, and a MA in Religious Studies from Villanova University.
His professional teaching career began at La Salle College High School, Wyndmoor, PA, in 1990, where he taught business education courses and Religion. In 1992 he moved to St. Gabriel’s Hall, Audubon, PA, where he taught business mathematics, world religions, and accounting. From 1996 to 2000 Brother Michael taught and served as moderator of the student council at St. John’s College High School, Washington, D.C.
In 2007 Brother returned to Central Catholic, his alma mater, to teach religion and serve as campus minister, as well as to be the Director of the Brothers’ community for two of those years.
In 2010, Brother Michael became the principal at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C. For the 2016-17 school year, Brother Michael took a sabbatical year, spending time at Bethlehem University, before returning to the States, and beginning his role as the Director of Contacts for the District.
Brother Mike, as he is known to most, is a very organized, methodical individual. He can carry out the most complicated and intricate projects with precision and much attention to detail. If a difficult job needs to be done, give it to Brother Mike! Yet his warm personality and sense of humor also endear him to those with whom he ministers. Brother Mike is always ready to listen to a faculty member or student. Many come to him because he listens well, and his advice is rooted in common sense, not just theory.
In spite of a very busy professional life, Brother Mike regularly travels to the Swissvale section of Pittsburgh to visit his Dad and Millie, the family’s yellow lab, as well as the families of his two younger brothers, Greg and Nick, both of whom are veterans of the United States Marine Corps.
Brother is a sports fan (especially the Pittsburgh Steelers!), an avid reader, enjoys the outdoors, and can often be seen walking, headphones around his head, listening to music, both contemporary soft rock and classical. Brother has traveled extensively in the US and abroad. He is also a cyclist and has done some long distance riding throughout Europe.
In the summer of 2013, Brother Mike was honored by the Brothers of the District of Eastern North America as he celebrated his silver jubilee as a Brother of the Christian Schools. A quintessential Lasallian, Brother manages to balance life as a teacher and administrator with a quality presence to the Brothers with whom he lives, his friends, and his family. His Lasallian spirituality spills over into all areas of his life
Nice, Mike. You are an inspiration to us your Brothers, and will be a truly helpful guide to our Contacts. God bless!
Thanks Ben. Hope you are enjoying your new digs. I still need to come and see the finished product!
Dear Michael,
Today, Sept. 29 — I prayed for you at Mass. — remembering Mary Maher’s course at WTU. Blessings ! Keep up the good work !!
Mike, How great it is to see you doing so well, You indeed are a quintessential Christian Brother who inspired me along my vocational journey as a member of the “other” Christian Brothers. How long ago novitiate seems, yet how fond the memories are! With prayers for your continued good work. Your friend, Dennis
Sister, always good to hear from you! Please keep praying for me and I will do the same for you.
God bless!
Dennis, Many thanks for your kind words. Great to hear from you. Indeed we have inspired one another! Hope things are well at Iona.I am in and out of NYC enough. It would be great to catch up some time! Peace,