An Ocean Tides student receives some help with his MacBeth assignment from Contact Brian Bernardo.

An Ocean Tides student receives some help with his MacBeth assignment from Contact Brian Bernardo.

Narragansett, RI – Three months living along Scarborough Beach sounds like an opportunity to kick back and relax, but three young men found that their summer vacation living on Ocean Road has been both challenging and a time of great blessings. For Moses Peña, Brian Bernard and Pablo Muñoz, who are all discerning religious life, motivating and working with the youth of Ocean Tides School made for an unforgettable summer.

The De La Salle Christian Brothers, whose South County residence serves not only as a home for underprivileged youth, but also as a school, educating and mentoring up to 35 young men at a time.

Moises Peña helps redirect a student by lending an ear.

Moises Peña helps redirect a student by lending an ear.

The students at Ocean Tides participate in a combination of academics, counseling and skills programs, such as culinary training, guided by the brothers on a daily basis. But working and learning from young men their own age has been invaluable, said Brother James R. Martino, FSC, President of Ocean Tides School.

“They see a nice, positive role model from a peer group closer to their age,” said Brother Martino. “The brothers are pleased to have more helping hands.”


Contact Pablo Muñoz, listens to the music one of his students created in a basic audio engineering class.

Contact Pablo Muñoz, listens to the music one of his students created in a basic audio engineering class.

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