Eatontown, NJ – The Office for Mission and Ministry held its annual Spring Workshop, March 12-14 in Eatontown, New Jersey. This annual Workshop welcomed educators from ten of our secondary schools to gather “together and by association” for the purpose of professional development and networking.

The theme for the Workshop was Lasallian Schools: Communities of Welcome, Learning and Encounter. The focus group was Vice Principals for Academics, Vice Principals for Student Life and Dean of Students.

Ms. Beth Lemee-Bixby LCSW of TIDES Family Services presents to Spring Workshop attendees.

Featured speakers were Brother Dennis Malloy, Visitor, who addressed the participants on the topic of Its Not Just Academics: Lasallian Schools as Fields of Mission for God’s Kingdom. Brother Dennis encouraged us as Lasallians to remember a primary reason for our schools is that of evangelizing the youth and that as we develop our academic curriculums we should pay particular attention to the way in which we support the Religion curriculum and the work of Campus Ministry. He also affirmed the vocational role of the participants in conducting schools that encourage each students to discover God’s calling in their lives.

The other keynote presentation was on Fostering a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment: A Trauma Sensitive Approach and was presented by Ms. Beth Lemee-Bixby LCSW and COO of TIDES Family Services, Rachael Yoder LCSW and Jessica Pawlowski LCSW. The presentation inspired the participants to consider the realities of the various expressions of trauma that young people may experience in their lives and gave insight into how to approach specific situations that might involve behavior emerging from experiences of trauma. The presentation resulted in lively and engaging conversation and it was remarked that “it is good to hear the perspective from our Youth and Family Services ministries.”

The Spring Workshop continued with breakout sessions conducted in Professional Conversation Circles on the following topics:

  • Social Media: Yes, We Need to Continue Talking About It…
  • Supervision of Teachers and Students: Successfully Walking the Tightrope
  • Schools of Excellence: Dealing with Student (Parent) Anxiety and Stress
  • Curriculum Development: Life Beyond the Textbook
  • Scheduling: Need We Say More?
  • BYOI (Interests) via specialized conversation groups of your determination



In order to foster and enrich our Lasallian charism, we recognize the need to invite and encourage all members of Lasallian communities to associate for mission. We aim to ensure that each local ministry is supported by, and in turn, supports district, regional and international formation initiatives. (Directional Statement: Living the Charism in Association for Mission)

The Office for Mission and Ministry is grateful to the following members of the Planning Committee:

  • Ms. Cecilia Gottsegen 
    Assistant Principal Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS, NY
  • Mr. Michael Folts
    Vice Principal for Student Affairs, Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, NY
  • Mr. Jeffrey Blake
    Vice Principal for Academic Affairs, Calvert Hall College HS, MD
  • Mrs. Maryann Donohue-Lynch
    Office for Mission & Ministry, DENA, NJ

Past Spring Workshops

  • 2016 Encuentro Latino
  • 2016 Special: Mission Driven Athletics (Higher Ed and Secondary Schools)
  • 2015 Ministry Communication Directors
  • 2014 Secondary School Athletic Directors
  • 2013 School Admission and Enrollment Directors

The Spring Workshop for 2018 will welcome Lasallian professionals involved in Guidance and Counseling. Look for registration information in December 2017!