Plaintiff’s attorney, 7th grade student Manuel, deftly cross-examines the defense witness, while “Judge” Kareem Vessup looks on, at the St. John’s University School of Law 2014 Catholic Middle School Mock Trial Program on May 17.

Two Mock Trial teams from The De La Salle School participated in the Catholic Middle School Mock Trial competition at St. John’s University School of Law.  Thirteen seventh and eighth graders had been preparing since early February with the coaching of Mrs. Susan Santoro Bevilacqua, Esq. and Mr. Conor Lamb, Esq. One group served as the plaintiff’s “attorneys” in the civil case, and the other as the “attorneys” for the defendant.  In each instance they argued in front of the attorney acting as “judge” and won a favorable outcome for their client.  Rolando, a seventh grader, was clear that he wanted to don a suit and tie and participate again next year!