Mr. Richard Ward
Campus Minister/Educator
Ocean Tides School – Narragansett, RI
In his work as educator and minister, Mr. Richard Ward draws upon the belief that God guides dedicated teachers to the youth in need, best exemplified by the words of St. John Baptiste de La Salle: “Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands for he will take care of you.”
Rich has served District of Eastern North America’s ministries at La Salle Academy in New York City, LaSalle School in Albany, NY, and Ocean Tides School in Narragansett, RI. In addition to teaching religion, he has hosted retreats and service trips, led nature hikes, participated in marathon runs with the Lasallian Volunteers, and organized fundraisers. He is grateful for learning experiences, like the Brother John Johnston Institute, that allow him to broaden his outlook of the Lasallian educational community and reflect on his own efforts in order to improve his outreach to youth in need of education. “I work each day, focusing on the needs of the young people,” he said. “I feel it is this attention and care that is the hallmark of the Lasallian charism.”
That zeal led him to a position as teacher and Personal Development instructor at the District’s newest ministry at St. Vincent Strambi Catholic High School in Bull Savannah, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. In addition to the support of the other Lasallian volunteers living and working with him in community, Rich was inspired by the students of St. Vincent Strambi, from their endurance of taxing heat and long treks to the school in hopes of receiving an education, to their dreams of the future and curiosity of Lasallian values.
“One of Rich’s great joys,” said Br. James Wallace, FSC, who serves at Manhattan College and taught alongside Rich at St. Vincent Strambi, “was coming to school at times when he was tired, but being uplifted by energetic, happy, warm students and staff at St. Vincent Strambi.”